I'm trying to get a reaction SMARTS pattern to ignore chiral atoms and it
doesn't appear straightforward. First, it appears RDKit doesn't support
'!@' to indicate a non-chiral specified atom. I have to wrap this in a
recursive SMARTS to get it to work. For example:

In [2]: mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('[*]C1=C([*])[C@H]2CC[C@@H]1C2')
In [4]: mol.HasSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts('[#6;!@]-[#6;!@]'))
Out[4]: False
In [5]: mol.HasSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts('[#6;!@]-[#6;!@]'),
Out[5]: False
In [6]:
Out[6]: False
In [7]:
Out[7]: True

Odd, but fair enough. At least I can get the SMARTS part of the reaction to
match the single bond in this fragment that does not have a chiral atom

[image: image.png]

(Meant to give Greg a shout out for his interactive SMARTS jupyter notebook
seen above at the UGM, it's great for interactively playing with SMARTS
patterns and then reaction SMARTS :-)

Anyway, I would like to then take that SMARTS and create a reaction SMARTS
that converts that single bond to a double bond. However, the '!$([@])'
seems to cause the SMARTS to not match when using reactions. For example:

In [23]: rxn =

In [24]: list(Chem.MolToSmiles(m[0]) for m in rxn.RunReactants((mol,)))
Out[24]: []

Removing the '!$([@])' makes the reaction at least work, but the hydrogens
on the chiral atoms get mucked up.

In [25]: rxn =

In [26]: list(Chem.MolToSmiles(m[0]) for m in rxn.RunReactants((mol,)))

The HasSubstructMatch and GetSubstructMatches methods have a 'useChirality'
flag that is necessary to get '!$([@])' to even work. Do I need to dig
through the C++ and expose such a flag to the reaction APIs? Or is there an
easier way to accomplish what I'm doing?

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