I am struggling to build RDKit on Cygwin, under 32-bit Windows 7,
using gcc 4.9.2, boost 1.55 and python 2.7.8, with the standard
cmake .. && make && make install

The building itself did not raise any errors, but the python tests
fail, for example:

$ python -v -c 'from rdkit import Chem'
import rdkit.Chem # precompiled from /home/m/RDKit/rdkit/Chem/__init__.pyc
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/m/RDKit/rdkit/Chem/__init__.py", line 18, in <module>
    from rdkit import rdBase
ImportError: cannot import name rdBase

$RDBASE and $RDBASE/lib are in the PATH and PYTHONPATH. To be sure the
dlls are found, I even copied them to /bin. I am pretty sure that
paths are OK.

There is, however, no rdBase.so or anything like that present in $RDBASE/rdkit:
$ ls ~/RDKit/rdkit
__init__.py   _py2_pickle.py   Avalon  CMakeLists.txt  DataStructs
DistanceGeometry  ForceField  ML        rdBase.pyd   RDConfig.pyc
RDPaths.py   SimDivFilters  six.pyc  test_list.py   utils
__init__.pyc  _py2_pickle.pyc  Chem    DataManip       Dbase
epydoc.config     Geometry    Numerics  RDConfig.py  RDLogger.py
RDRandom.py  six.py         sping    TestRunner.py  VLib

$ ls ~/RDKit/build/rdkit/
Chem  cmake_install.cmake  CMakeFiles  CTestTestfile.cmake  DataManip
DataStructs  DistanceGeometry  ForceField  Geometry  Makefile  ML
Numerics  rdBase.pyd  RDPaths.py  SimDivFilters

$ locate rdBase

What else could be wrong?


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