From: "Geza Lakner MD"
> Hello REBOLers,
>   Is there a way to set a national collation sequence for string
>   SORTing in the SYSTEM object? Defining a per character comparator
>   for SORT/COMPARE would be an overkill in terms of speed and
>   efficacy. Thus, is there a way to use the native SORT with speed for
>   ordering national accented characters (which would be otherwise at
>   the very end of the "English" alphabet :-( ) ?

Hi, Geza,

As a special challenge for myself, I undertook the Czech alphabet last year.
It was a special challenge both because I didn't know the Czech language and
because the Czech alphabet had several special cases (namely "ch").

Here is a link to the first release I did for the Czech alphabet:

A character was missing, so the following contained the final character map:

This was just one approach that I could envision at the time.  If I recall
correctly, Volker had some other ideas, so you may want to check more of the
various threads to see some of the ideas and pitfalls that were discovered:

Here was the post that began the challenge:

Here was the post that began the next sequence:

The final sequence began with the first link given in this current email.

Let me know if you have any questions.  Good luck.
--Scott Jones

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