Has The Diabetes Connection To Circulatory ProblemsBeen Found?

> Has The Diabetes Connection To Circulatory ProblemsBeen Found?
>> Scientists believe they have uncovered the link between diabetes and
>> circulatory problems which causes thousands of Britons to need a limb
>> amputation each year.
>> A protein in cells could be responsible for leg ulcers and gangrene in
>> diabetics, which lead to their needing amputation, they said.
>> Experts from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) said the study could pave
>> the way for a new drug to cut down the risks. About 5,000 diabetics a
>> year
>> in the UK - or 100 a week - have a limb amputated.
>> Experts carried out experiments on mice and found that a protein called
>> p75NTR was present in the cells of diabetics but not in the cells of
>> healthy
>> mice.
>> When they stopped the protein working in diabetic cells, they found that
>> circulation to the lower limbs improved. But when the protein was
>> introduced
>> into cells, circulation worsened, suggesting the important role played by
>> the protein.
>> Jeremy Pearson, associate medical director at the British Heart
>> Foundation
>> (BHF), which funded the study, said: "The researchers have found that
>> there
>> is an increased expression of this protein in the cells of diabetics. The
>> problem with diabetics is that they get all sorts of circulation problems
>> and can suffer things like gangrene in their toes. People have never
>> understood before exactly why this is."

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