Pickled Red Beets

6 quarts fresh red beets
4 1/2 cups sugar  
4 cups cider vinegar ( 5 % acidity) 
1 tsp. canning salt (non-iodized  salt)
1/4 tsp. cinnamon (optional)

Preparation - 
To cook the  beets - Wash, rinse and drain until all traces of garden soil 
are removed. Use a  small vegetable brush if needed. Peel larger beets that 
have a thick, tough  skin. Place the beets in large stockpot and cover with 
water. Bring to a boil,  reduce heat to medium, cover and cook until fork 
tender, approximately 25 to 30  minutes. Remove from heat. Drain the beets, 
reserving the juice. The skin will  slip right off the cooked beets. Slice or 
cut the beets, as desired, then set  the beets aside. Pour the reserved beet 
juice back in the pot, stir in the  remaining ingredients and cook on 
medium low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring  frequently. Meanwhile, 
fill a boiling water bath canner with hot  water; set aside.
Pack the cooked, small whole, cut, or sliced beets into 1  quart, wide 
mouth canning jars. Pour the hot beet juice mixture over the beets  in the 
leaving 1/4" headspace. Run a thin spatula or non-metallic utensil  through 
each jar to remove air bubbles. Wipe the jar rims with a damp paper  towel. 
Add the caps and bands. Place the filled jars on the rack in a water bath  
canner. The tops of the jars should be completely immersed... add additional 
hot  water if needed. Process in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes.( 
Start timing  as soon as the water begins to boil). Remove the jars from 
Cool, test  seals, label and store. 
To serve as Harvard Beets, thicken the pickled beet  juice with cornstarch. 
Pickled beets can also be served chilled, as side dish,  or use them to 
make Red Beet Eggs, a popular Pennsylvania Dutch  specialty
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