About Mole 
Keys:  Info  Mexican  Mexico Mex Central American 
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Mole (pron. mole-a) is a series of Mexican sauces that contain ground
chiles, spices, nuts, often chocolate, sometimes raisins, ground seeds,
There are three basic types of moles:
1. Mole Poblano (the most famous type, and the one that ALWAYS contains
chocolate) was originated in Pueblo during Colonial times
(Mexican colonial, not ours) by the nuns who wanted to make a special
dish for a visiting Archbishop. The sauce contains ground dried chile
peppers, ground nuts, ground raisins, broth, chocolate, sometimes ground
corn tortillas, a small amount of sugar, and various spices. It is
traditionally served over turkey, with a side dish of unfilled tamales
(just the cornmeal masa steamed in corn shucks.)
It's one of those dishes that rarely finds its way out of the country of
origin, and you either passionately love or passionately hate. I'd post
a recipe if I could find one (Have recipes for all three versions
floating around SOMEWHERE, but never got the time to enter 'em into the
computer, so they're a little tough to find). It may also be purchased
pre-made (something I recommend, as the bottled version is excellent,
and this is NOT something you'd want to attack from scratch on even a
semi-regular basis). If Shirley is interested, I'll pick up a jar and
ship it your way.
2. Mole Verde (green mole) contains green chiles, broth, ground pumpkin
seeds, various herbs and spices. It's usually served over chicken or
pork. Nice stuff, and much easier for the beginner to like than the Mole
3. Mole Roja (red mole) is a sauce that contains red chiles, herbs and
spices, ground nuts or seeds, ground corn tortillas, usually no
chocolate. I THINK it comes from the region around Oxaca. Again, it's
marginally easier to like than the more well-known version. It's usually
served over chicken or pork.
All of these dishes are virtual throwbacks to the complex (and to our
palates unusual) combinations of ingredients that were common in that
part of the country before the arrival of the Spaniards. None of the
dishes is particularly hot, they have a complex, haunting flavor that
speaks of cultures long gone, but not entirely forgotten.
Don't know if you'd like 'em or not, Unka Burt (I do), but if you want
just a hint of what I'm talking about, throw a square of unsweetened
chocolate in your next batch of Left-Handed Chili, and let us know what
you think.

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