Letters: If we sign a treaty we must abide by it 

Date: 01/04/00

The Government's response to the UN's CERD report is chilling. I
remember when Australia used to sneer at South Africa and China for
lamely arguing that the UN should butt out of their "domestic political

Alexander Downer last night claimed that the UN should only act against
"egregious" human rights violations. The implication was that
Australia should be able to commit some human rights violations and not
be held accountable. It is a disgusting position for any "civilised"
nation to hold.

The Government seems singularly incapable of understanding that we are
not being told what to do. Australia, by signing various human
rights treaties, has told the world that we will abide by certain
fundamental principles. The UN's role is to notify us of when we have
acted in accordance with that contract.

If we want to renege on that contract, then we must do so publicly and
thereby join the ranks of the world's pariah states.

It is a measure of this Government's appalling lack of morality that it
holds Australia's commercial contracts sacrosanct but our social
contracts utterly dispensable. This morning I cried for my country. I
never thought I would be ashamed to be Australian.

Brendan Jones, Leichhardt

I have an uneasy feeling of deja vu. A UN committee criticises a
government on social justice issues. The government protests "but we
are a liberal democracy, we can't be guilty of these unfair

The government announces it will investigate the UN committee's

Now I remember! South Africa, circa 1970. Those who live dangerously,
die dangerously. Good luck, Howard Government.

Ian De Saxe, Macquarie Park

The Howard Government's decision to review its co-operation with the UN
treaty process comes as a surprise, but it is a necessary step
in the right direction that One Nation has been advocating for a long

We elect our own parliamentarians to make our laws, we don't need UN
officials, who we have no say in choosing, from countries like
Cuba and Communist China, to tell us what to do. 

The move should win the Government a few votes, and let's face it, with
the GST coming, they'll need every vote they can get. 

Bob Vinnicombe, Sefton

I woke to hear the news that Australia will review its reporting to the
UN on racial treaties.

I momentarily thought there had been an overnight coup with One Nation
taking over the government of Australia.

G. Mortensen, Goulburn

When I was young, there was a saying attributed to a doting mother
watching children march: "They're all out of step except my
Johnny." Now Mr Howard claims United Nations committee findings lack
credibility in the eyes of the Australian people and the world
community, I'm inclined to think he's well named!

Gai Smith, Redfern

International obligations deriving from treaties signed by Australia
under the auspices of the UN are designed to protect human rights and
freedoms and combat the spread of prejudice and oppression. Our
government refuses to recognise these obligations, denigrates the
tribunals and committees who deal with them and seeks to white-ant the
treaties which created these obligations, while preaching the
domestic sovereignty of our States and Territories.

International obligations deriving from treaties signed by Australia
under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation are designed to
protect corporate powers and privileges and combat the spread of
regulations and policies that might conflict with their profit-making.
Our government slavishly accedes to these obligations, brooks no
criticism of the secretive and unaccountable tribunal which enforces
them and seeks to strengthen and extend the WTO's hold over government
policy both here and in other countries, while ignoring the
domestic sovereignty of our States and Territories, and, more
importantly, the Australian people.

It is heartening that we should be granted such insight as to whom our
government serves.

Robert Cook, Bondi

The Howard Government has a mandate to govern for three years only. It
therefore has absolutely no mandate to turn against the United
Nations and the principles of human rights to which this country is
rightly committed. 

To put perceived political advantage ahead of the basic principles of
universal human rights is disgusting and deeply shameful. 

I have never been as embarrassed for this country as I am now. The
government must either start acting like a modern, democratic and
civilised government or call an election. 

Also isn't it time the Liberal Party changed its name? It clearly does
not uphold principles of liberalism any more.

Max Phillips, Marrickville

Gee, luckily the UN did not look into our tax reform. We could all be
branded crooks.

B.A. Dean, Herberton

Truth is a pathless land. --- Krishnamurti
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