>for i in access*
>       cat i$ >> filename
>but this doesn't concatenate them quite the right way. I was looking to
>append them together in order, so they would be seamless - in other
>February 15th would be the ending in one file, and Feb 16th would be
>start in the next.     

You are using >>, the append operator. This will never clear the file
out from run to run. Make sure you delete the file before the loop. Now,
if the alphabetical order expansion of 'access*' is not to your liking,
you will have to spell the order out in full.

        cat f.4 f.1 f.2 f.4 >filename

Note that this also gets rid of appending to stale files. If this is
tedious, and the filenames never change, you could

        cat >mylist

and then from then on you just run:

        cat `cat mylist` >filename


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