From: [] On 
Behalf Of McKnite, Jacob
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 9:11 PM
Subject: Call for Papers: Religion and the Public Schools

Dear Professor Volokh,

I am devoting Volume 39, Issue 3, of the William Mitchell Law Review to the 
topic of religion and the public schools.  To solicit authors for this topic, I 
would like to post a "Call for Papers" on your law and religion listserv, if 
possible.  The text of this posting would read as follows:


Call for Papers - Religion and the Public Schools
William Mitchell Law Review, Vol. 39, Issue 3 (Spring 2013)

I am the Executive Editor for Volume 39, Issue 3, of the William Mitchell Law 
Review (Spring 2013).  I am proud to dedicate Issue 3 to the topic of religion 
and the public schools, and I invite you to submit an article.  Submissions may 
take the form of either shorter commentaries or longer law review articles.  
Final submissions will be due October 1, 2012.

My goal is to assemble manuscripts pertaining to such constitutional law issues 
as religion in the curriculum, school prayer, religious displays, and other 
religious speech in the public schools.  However, if you are interested in 
writing on another topic within this theme, please let me know, and I would be 
happy to work with you.

The William Mitchell Law Review is highly regarded both regionally and 
nationally.  The Law Review recently ranked twenty-second in citations by 
judges and fifty-seventh in citations by other law journals.  Over the years, 
the Law Review has featured the work of local scholars and practitioners such 
as former Vice President Walter Mondale and U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar.  The 
Law Review has also been privileged to publish work by Supreme Court Justices 
Blackmun, O'Connor, and White.

If you are interested in writing an article, please let me know at  Additionally, if you know of others who may be 
interested in contributing, please send me their information, and I will 
contact them.

Thank you!


Jacob E. McKnite
Executive Editor
William Mitchell Law Review, Vol. 39, Issue 3
J.D. Candidate, May 2014


Thank you very much.


Jacob E. McKnite
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