Folks:  My general approach to this list has been to allow all
viewpoints, though to insist that the viewpoints be framed in as polite
a way as possible given the nature of those viewpoints.  This includes
anti-Semitism, anti-Protestantism, anti-evangelical-Christianity,
anti-Catholicism, and the like.  It seems to me that we should deal with
those viewpoints either by arguing against them, or by ignoring them, as
may seem more suitable to the occasion and to the offender.  (I
personally am more inclined to ignore Mr. Darby than to pay further
attention to him on this list.)

        And while calling America "Zionist-Occupied Government" is
surely a mark of anti-Semitism, it isn't a particularly rude way of
expressing the opinion (however loathsome and foolish the opinion might
be); if we are to maintain the rule that no viewpoints are excluded from
the list, there seems to be no benefit in trying to channel Mr. Darby's
anti-Semitism into other terms.

        As to other matters:  Fund-raising for one's political campaign
is indeed not allowed on this list.  Occasional mentions of one's
published work, including explicit or implicit suggestions that one buy
it, are allowed, though it's important to keep them occasional.

        General criticisms of alleged Zionist influence on American
government strike me as related to politics and ethnicity rather than to
religion, and are thus off-topic; references that are more closely
connected to the law of government and religion are not off-topic, again
no matter how reprehensible the views may be.  As to Mr. Darby's most
recent post about Zionist influence, I opened the door to some degree of
this in my earlier post criticizing Mr. Darby (a post that I think was
on-topic because it described the character of someone who is a not
insignificant legal player in law-of-government-and-religion debates).
It seems to me that he's entitled to react for a few posts, though after
a while I'll have to return to insisting that the connection of the
arguments to the law of government and religion be stronger.

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