> I have a friend running a 75W Micor UHF repeater and he needs > to operate it for a single user who uses regular PL tone. My > friend has a PL module installed on the Tone Squelch board in
I presume you mean audio-squelch board. > Does he need a single PL tone encoder card for the card cage? > 146.2 Hz. is the tone he needs. The PL encoder plugs into the exciter, not the card cage. One jumper cut on the exciter board is required. > After he installs such a card, would the repeater transmit > the 146.2 PL tone, even if activated by the Tone Remote? Yes. > Third question - Are there any other cards or PL modules out > there besides the Card Cage type, or are they all strictly > the ones that fit in the Unified Chassis? See above. Don't confuse a PL encoder board with an "F1-PL" card in the cage, totally different animal... --- Jeff WN3A