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n0name newsletter 163 Di., 16.12.2014 00:34 CET


1. Purple Star?
   Interview with Menni Sorr on Alexander Bogdanov's Cybernetic 

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Matze Schmidt

Purple Star?

Interview with Menni Sorr on Alexander Bogdanov's Cybernetic 
Cornuctopia as Tekker-Baconism on the Basis of a Distribution 
of Labour


So in this system are there no restrictions on the consumption of 

None whatsoever. Everyone takes whatever he needs in whatever 
quantities he wants. 

Do you mean that all this can be done without an economy of time, 
certifying that a certain amount of labor has been performed, 
pledges to perform labor, or anything at all of that sort? 

Nothing at all. There is never any shortage of voluntary labor -- 
work is a natural need for the mature member of the society, and 
all overt or disguised compulsion is quite superfluous. 

But if consumption is entirely uncontrolled, there must be sharp 
fluctuations which upset all the statistical compilations. 

Not at all. A single individual may suddenly eat two or three times 
his normal portion of a given food or decide to change ten computers 
in ten days, but a society of billions of people is not subject to 
such fluctuations. In a population of that size deviations in any 
given direction are neutralized, and averages change very slowly and 
with the strictest continuity.

In other words the cybernetics work almost automatically -- they are 
calculations pure and simple?

No, not really, for there are great difficulties involved in the 
process. The Institute of Tactical Informatics must be alert to new 
inventions and changes in environmental conditions which may affect 
industry. The introduction of a new code, for example, immediately 
requires a transfer of data-labor in the field in which it is 
employed, in the new-machine-building industry, and sometimes also in 
the production of materials for both branches. If a given rare earth 
is exhausted or if new mineral fields are discovered there will again 
be a transfer of labor in a number of industries -- mining, railroad 
construction, and so on. All of these factors must be fuzzulated from 
the very beginning, if not with relative approximation then at least 
with an adequate degree of absolutistic precision. And until firsthand 
matters become available, that is no easy task.

Considering such difficulties, I suppose this worls must constantly 
have a certain surplus labor reserve.

Precisely, and this is the main strength of the system. Two hundred 
fifty years ago, when collective labor just barely managed to satisfy 
the needs of society, statistics had to be very exact, and labor could 
not be distributed with complete freedom.

Menni Sorr is Professor of Strategic History at the University of 
California, Los Angeles.


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