[rohrpost] The ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART features SEAN CUBITT and accepts new scholar applications

2015-07-07 Diskussionsfäden Oliver Grau
The ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART features SEAN CUBITT www.digitalartarchive.at Scholar, curator and writer SEAN CUBITT is currently Joint Head of Department Media and Communications at Goldsmiths University of London. His research focuses on the history of visual technologies, media art history, and

[rohrpost] The ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART features SEAN CUBITT and accepts new scholar applications

2015-06-30 Diskussionsfäden Image Science
The ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART features SEAN CUBITT www.digitalartarchive.at Scholar, curator and writer SEAN CUBITT is currently Joint Head of Department Media and Communications at Goldsmiths University of London. His research focuses on the history of visual technologies, media art history, and