I'm looking for a way to use rsyncd to rename a directory in a module. 
I have worked out how to do everything else in the backup scheme below
using only the daemon services.  But I can't find a way to do the
directory rename without using SSH.  I couldn't find anything I could
use in the archives.  

In the backup scheme I'd like to use, each client has a module defined
on the server.  Daily, each client saves snapshots of itself into a
directory named for the date the snapshot was taken.  Previous snapshot
directories then hold copies of only the updated and deleted files.  The
steps I use are:
1) look for the most recent snapshot directory and save the name
2) rename it to the current date (2007-01-07).  
3) on the client, run "rsync -rt --delete-during --backup
--backup-dir=2007-01-06 localdir server::2007-01-07".

I can do the rename by running rsync through SSH as:
"rsync --rsync-path='mv 2007-01-06 2007-01-07 && rsync' server:2007-01-07", 
but I would prefer not to have to install SSH and user accounts on the

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