Bugs item #27292, was opened at 2009-10-14 16:40
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Category: `gem install` command
Group: v1.3.x
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Ian Ragsdale (iragsdale)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Empty gem file prevents installation

Initial Comment:
I'm not sure how but there was an empty file in the gem cache on my system.  
When the gem installer tried to figure out the file format, it crashed on line 
45 of format.rb:

    if File.read(file_path, 20).include?("MD5SUM =")

If the file is empty, then file.read returns nil, and the install fails.  It 
would be better to trap this error and give a more useful error message, so 
that I don't have to modify the source to figure out why the gem won't install. 

This is probably low priority because most users will never hit it, but I 
thought I'd submit it anyway.


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