I am pleased to announce my first new piece of hardware of 2003 - Compact Flash

This small adaptor board allows you to use a Compact Flash card with the Atom
hard drive interface. I had this idea when the hard drive I use in my 'Sam In A
Can' developed a lot of surface errors and corrupt sectors.

By using CF cards (which are getting fairly cheap) it provides a great new
storage solution instead of hard drives. As CF are essentially IDE, they can be
used just like a hard drive with BDOS. I have tested my interface so far using a
32 Meg Samsung CF card (which holds 40 Sam disks worth of data) and a Toshiba 64
Meg CF Card (79 disks worth!).

The small interface can easily sit inside the Sam, an ideal place is just behind
the bay cover for drive 2 - I am supplying the interface with 4 sticky backed
stands so it can be securely mounted inside the Sam. If you require a short IDE
cable to keep the cabling neat I can make them up on request.

The Compact Flash Interface is available now, priced £19.99.

Also available for this interface is an eject button module which clips over the
Compact Flash socket to make it easier to eject the Compact Flash. This is
available for £4.50

Photos of the interface are on my website - URL below.

Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the Sam
Website: http://www.quazar.clara.net/sam/
Issue Three of "Sam Revival" Magazine Out Now !

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