The Wall Street Journal
Review & Outlook
The Price of Fallujah
September 8, 2004

Monday's car bombing outside Fallujah, which killed seven American troops
and three members of the Iraqi National Guard, is the latest of many blows
to the First Marine Expeditionary Force. The 1st MEF has the unenviable task
of patrolling the restive al Anbar province west of Baghdad, and we're sorry
to report their job appears to have been made all the harder by the
hesitancy of their civilian leaders in the White House.

Following the late-March massacre of four security contractors in Fallujah,
the Marines sensibly decided it was time to impose order in the city, which
had been largely left alone by the Army division that had previously
occupied the area. But after several weeks of hard fighting, and just days
from establishing control, the Marines were called to a halt by then Iraq
czar Paul Bremer and his bosses at the National Security Council. The city
was handed over to a group of local thugs euphemistically called the
Fallujah Brigade, who have proven to be feckless or worse, and lately the
city appears to have come under the sway of Taliban-like religious

We understand the difficultly of the decisions faced by Bremer & Co., who
feared that further use of force in Fallujah in April might have pushed that
month's unrest beyond a tipping point. But it's also clear that the deal set
a terrible precedent. Other Sunni towns like Ramadi and Samarra now appear
to be slipping away from the control of legitimate authority, and Fallujah
continues to serve as a haven for the terrorists and bomb-makers targeting
American forces and Iraqi civilians.

Monday's attack is a powerful reminder that however much the White House
might want to keep Iraq quiet through November, the enemy will have a big
say in events as long as they are left a sanctuary. The American people have
shown impressive understanding of casualties as part of efforts aimed at
victory in Iraq, but they are less likely to be tolerant of losses incurred
in a holding pattern.

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