The New York Sun
The Goss Nomination
August 12, 2004

President Bush's choice to be director of central intelligence, Rep. Porter
Goss, a Republican of Florida who was chairman of the House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence, has shown precious little evidence so far of
being the right man for the job.

Some say that Mr. Goss, a former CIA officer, is too close to the CIA to
perform the shake-up that the agency badly needs. "He's part of a failed
culture," the American Enterprise Institute's Michael Ledeen told our Luiza
Savage. AEI's Reuel Marc Gerecht,who has been sounding the alarm about the
CIA's failures since the publication of his 1997 book "Know Thine
Enemy,"derides Mr.Goss as "a water-carrier for the CIA." This isn't
criticism coming from the anti-CIA hard left, but from men who understand
that America is in a war in which a capable CIA with strong
intelligence-gathering and analytic capabilities could be a formidable

Mr. Goss's worst policy error was to deride the Iraqi National Congress and
its leader, Ahmad Chalabi. Had America listened to Mr. Chalabi's advice
about the importance of Iraqi participation in the liberation of Iraq and
the need for postwar planning, the current difficulties for American troops
in Iraq could have been avoided. But Mr. Goss disparaged Iraqis who risked
their lives to fight Saddam. "It's unspeakable to me that we would be
putting any money in the pockets of expatriates who are talking about
revolution in the comfortable capitals of Western Europe. Every time you do
that, all the bootmakers and suit-makers in London just cheer," Mr. Goss
told USA Today in 1999. Amid the anonymous and so far unproven smears this
spring of Mr. Chalabi as a leaker of American secrets to the Iranians, Mr.
Goss declined to defend the Iraqi patriot, telling USA Today, "I have been
accurate in my assessment of Chalabi over the years. The thing I admire most
about him is his tailor."

This isn't merely about Mr. Chalabi but a whole CIA culture that derided
Shiite Muslims and democrats and took information provided by
non-democratic, Sunni American "friends" in Jordan or Saudi Arabia as

As chairman of the House intelligence committee, Mr. Goss was in charge of
congressional oversight of the intelligence community. The report of the
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States concluded
that the oversight was largely a failure.

Mr. Goss's signal achievement on the personnel management front was hiring a
chief of staff for the House intelligence committee who wound up a sordid

Recently, and conveniently, Mr. Goss has refashioned himself as one of the
CIA's harshest critics. His committee's most recent intelligence
authorization report includes a scathing critique of the agency's human
intelligence collection efforts. "For too long the CIA has been ignoring its
core mission activities.There is a dysfunctional denial of any need for
corrective action," reads the report. "After years of trying to convince,
suggest, urge, entice, cajole, and pressure CIA to make wide-reaching
changes to the way it conducts its HUMINT mission, however, CIA, in the
Committee's view, continues down a road leading over a proverbial cliff."

If he's to have any chance of success in the director's job, he will have to
keep in mind the need for corrective action -- both at the agency and in the
course he himself has chosen.

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