Here is the problem I'm having with Samba.


When trying to connect to Samba Server from windows xp pro machine, it gives the following error:

System error 1234
No service is operating at the destination network endpoint on the remote system.

Things that work:
Both demons are running. already checked. Can connect from linux smbclient.

1. All tests except test 8 works from the diagnosis.txt on samba website.

2. Able to ping PC machine from linux (where server is installed), put pc ip address in the /etc/hosts file. Same works vise versa from PC to Samba, it is able to ping the machine.

3. Windows sees the Samba Server in view workgroups

4. Trying to connect Samba from linux (same machine on which samba is installed) works fine.

I'm not sure where is the error. Please help me if you've any idea why I'm having this error. I'm attaching smb.conf

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Attachment: smb.conf
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