Alexander Skwar wrote:

> Hmm, all of a sudden SWAT started to respond. Now when I try to access
> http://server:901/, I get:
> 500 Server Error
> chdir failed - the server is not configured correctly

A very simple solution - I forgot to run "". So, after
doing the following, I'm happy SWATting ;)

$ cd /opt/samba-3.0.0/samba/bin
$ mkdir /opt/samba-3.0.0/swat
$ ./ /opt/samba-3.0.0/swat /opt/samba-3.0.0/samba/bin

- /opt/samba-3.0.0 is the base for my Samba installation
- /opt/samba-3.0.0/swat is the installation directory for SWAT
- /opt/samba-3.0.0/samba/bin is a directory at the same level as the
  swat source


Alexander Skwar
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