On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 08:34 +0200, Michael Wood wrote:
> Hi
> On 2 September 2010 22:58, David Gonzalez <i...@dghvoip.com> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I'm trying to contribute with my tests and continuous attempts to install
> > and stress-test samba, but it gets really sad and frustrating finding out
> > that no one answers.
> Yes, it can be frustrating, but I doubt anyone is deliberately
> ignoring your messages.
> I suspect the people who can answer your questions have not seen them.
>  This could be because you're asking in the wrong place or because
> they have very little time and the subject of your e-mail didn't catch
> their eye etc.
> Since the Samba4 HOWTO says to report your experiences on the
> samba-technical list, I suggest you send your questions about samba4
> there.  There's also a #samba-technical channel on irc.freenode.org.
> The topic is:
> 08:31 -!- #samba-technical 66 logs on  http://samba.sernet.de/irclog/ - Ask
>           non-development questions in #samba (all samba4 questions welcome
>           however) | CIA commit notifications in #samba-commits
> I have copied my reply to the samba-technical list.

Thanks Michael.  I really do appreciate your efforts watching out for
questions such as these - it shows the signs of a maturing community
that we have folks such as yourself able to continue the
users-helping-users philosophy. 

> > I installed samab 4 from git, and compiled it with no errors, provisioned
> > and it worked, then I deleted the whole /usr/local/samab dir because I
> > screwed it up with a failed attempt of joining a w2k8 R2 machine to the
> > domain, decided to re-provision and I'm getting this error:
> >
> > [r...@gateway source4]# ./setup/provision
> > --realm=samba.dghvoip.com--domain=DGHVOIP
> > --adminpass=dgh2...@dm--server-role='domain controller'
> > --host-name=gateway
> > --host-ip=
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File "./setup/provision", line 253, in ?
> >    useeadb=eadb, next_rid=opts.next_rid)
> >  File "bin/python/samba/provision.py", line 1350, in provision
> >    users_gid = findnss_gid([users or "users", 'users', 'other', 'staff'])
> >  File "bin/python/samba/provision.py", line 333, in <lambda>
> >    findnss_gid = lambda names: findnss(grp.getgrnam, names)[2]
> >  File "bin/python/samba/provision.py", line 329, in findnss
> >    raise KeyError("Unable to find user/group in %r" % names)
> > KeyError: "Unable to find user/group in ['users', 'users', 'other',
> > 'staff']"

As the message suggests, we could not find a group called 'users',
'other' or 'staff' in /etc/passwd.  What OS is this?  

You can override this with --users= option (see the provision --help for
other options for the other groups we try and lookup)

I'll add an exception handler here that explains the situation in better

> > Also when I issue "make quicktest",  before installing this shows

If a quicktest fails, then you shouldn't waste your time on anything
else - it should always pass.  Try again with a later build if you think
we just stuffed up for a short time, or ask on this list if it seems to
be just your particular platform. 

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.

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