10 <http://io9.com/5223980/10-science-fiction-prequels-ranked-by-crappiness>
Science Fiction Prequels, Ranked By Crappiness

By Charlie Jane <http://io9.com/people/charliejane/posts/>  Anders, 12:52
PM on Thu Apr 23 2009, 19,423 views

. So we decided to rank 10 science fiction prequels in order of crappiness.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "prequel" was actually
invented for science fiction by Anthony Boucher, writing in the Magazine Of
Fantasy & Science Fiction in 1958. But prequels have become ever more common
in recent years, with prequels to The Thing and I Am Legend also in the

Star Trek and Wolverine may turn out be the greatest movies ever - and
Caprica was way better than I'd hoped. But let's face it: most prequels are
awful. And by prequel, I mean something that takes us back before the start
of a saga, to show us the events that led up to the saga's beginning. So
Phantom Menace is a prequel, but Batman Begins isn't. Okay?

So... starting with least sucky, and working our way up to suckiest, here
are 10 science fiction prequels that are already out there:

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/io9/2009/04/n4340.jpg10) Wild Seed by
Octavia Butler. This is one of my favorite novels ever, so it's hard to
believe Butler actually wrote it after three other novels in the
Patternmaster series. It tells the relationship between a telepath named
Doro and a shapeshifter named Anyanwu. Their telepathic descendants later
become ultra-powerful in the novels Mind Of My Mind and Patternmaster, which
Butler wrote earlier but are set later.

jpg9) Prelude To Foundation by Isaac Asimov. One of Asimov's later
Foundation books was actually a prelude, telling the story of Hari Seldon's
early years. And Seldon turns out to have hung out with R. Daneel Olivaw,
who's operating under the name Demerzel. By all accounts, it's pretty
worthwhile addition to the saga, although this guy
<http://homepage.mac.com/jhjenkins/Asimov/Books/Book379.html>  says "the
characters seem unusually shallow, even for Asimov," and maybe we didn't
need to know that much about Seldon's early life.

Caprica. Like I said, this was way better than I'd hoped. This Battlestar
Galactica prequel, newly on DVD, is a slightly overwrought melodrama, but it
does explore interesting questions about artificial intelligence and the
difference between a digital copy of a person and the "real" person. The
least interesting thing about it is how it's going to connect with BSG.

7) When The Tripods Came by John Christopher. Did we really need to know how
the alien Masters conquered humanity? The original Tripods trilogy starts
out with humans already conquered, and then fills in the details of how it
happened. But author Brian Aldiss insisted it wasn't credible these aliens
could have conquered 20th century humans, with our awesome technology. So
Christopher went back and wrote a prequel, explaining how the Masters took
us over using mind control via a television show called The Trippy Show. Not
really an essential addition, and it slightly dilutes the awesomeness of
starting with humanity already crushed.

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/io9/2009/04/f9HztgEj2Qo.jpg6) Indiana
Jones And The Temple Of Doom. Not nearly as bad as Crystal Skull, but not
nearly as good as Lost Ark, this movie is actually the earliest cinematic
Jones story, despite coming out after Raiders. It has a few highlights, like
the early poisoning sequence, the subterranean train chase and the gun/knife
fight. But it's mostly cheesy and dull where Raiders was sharp and fun.

5) The Dune Prequels by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. Frank Herbert
wrote six Dune books. And since his death, his son and Anderson have written
10,000 books, mostly set before the original novels. They include Lost Lunch
Menu Of Dune and We Were Going To Have A Jihad But Then We Found That Lunch
Menu And Decided To Get Lunch Instead, Of Dune. Just
<http://www.davidlouisedelman.com/book-reviews/dune-prequels/>  check out
David Louis Edelman's review of the prequels, in which he calls them out for
pointless unpleasantness, turning Baron Harkkonen into a cartoon, and making
"a much-studied and richly detailed universe a smaller place."

4) Cube Zero. I don't know much about this prequel to the first two Cube
films, but it looks totally awesome. Check it out:

3) The Aliens Vs. Predator films. These are essentially prequels to the
original Alien films, since they take place on present-day Earth, before
humans have spread out across the stars. And if Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem
had been a hit, the directors planned a third AVP film which would have
linked the series to Alien directly. Thank goodness for small mercies. The
first AVP film is pointless, if fun. The second one? My. Head. Hurts. I
watched it sober, and still have no idea what was going on, especially with
the Turducken-like PredAlien hybrid.

2) Star Trek: Enterprise. The new Trek movie already has a huge advantage:
It can't be as annoying as this look at the "original" Enterprise, with
constant sequences of underwear-clad decontamination and people's arms
getting pregnant. I still don't understand what the "temporal cold war" was
about (why was it a cold war?) and who that shadowy figure was. And later
episodes spent way too long giving us the origins of Khan, the Klingon
head-bumps, and Vulcan pacifism. Even the producers thought the show was so
boring, it would be better to end it with Riker and Troi playing dress-up.

n.jpg1) Star Wars <http://io9.com/tag/star-wars/> : Episodes I-III. Ack. I
don't even know where to start. I actually spend way too much time in the
shower trying to figure out how these could have been compelling movies,
instead of blah. I think the biggest problem is that we never once root for
Anakin Skywalker, or care what happens to him. It would be a challenge to
make us root for the guy we know is going to become Darth Vader, but that's
the challenge you take on when you decide to tell this story. Instead,
George Lucas punts, making Anakin an unlikable twerp from day one.


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