A New Team for Black Panther

A new Panther for Marvel yields a new writer and artist. First details and

by Richard George <http://comics.ign.com/email.html>  & Jesse Schedeen



May 11, 2009 - Reginald Hudlin
<http://stars.ign.com/objects/142/14220155.html>  has been the regular
writer of Black Panther <http://comics.ign.com/objects/143/14303338.html>
for over four years now. After Hudlin renewed interest in the character with
"Who Is the Black <http://stars.ign.com/objects/924/924248.html>  Panther?",
T'Challa went on to take a much more active role in the Marvel Universe,
including help lead the fight against Iron Man's pro-Registration forces in
Civil War and temporarily joining the Fantastic Four. 

With Dark Reign remaking the Marvel Universe, Black Panther has followed
suit by undergoing some drastic changes. The series recently relaunched with
a new #1 issue, wherein T'Challa was grievously injured and Wakanda was left
without a Black Panther. With Wakanda's enemies closing in, an all-new,
all-female Panther must rise to defend her homeland. 

As this turns out, this storyline will be Hudlin's last. After almost five
years and dozens of issues, Hudlin is leaving Black Panther, making way for
a new writer. That writer is horror novelist Jonathan Maberry. Maberry will
be joined by new regular artist Will Conrad
<http://stars.ign.com/objects/142/14254100.html> . 

The two writers will collaborate on August's Black Panther #7, after which
Hudlin will move onto a new Marvel project and continue work on the upcoming
BP animated series. Hudlin will still be involved with the series as a
consultant going forward. We chatted with both writers - as well as editor
Axel Alonso - about the past, present and future of Black Panther, and how
Maberry plans to steer the series forward with its new lead. 



IGN Comics: Let's run through the creative changes that are in store for
Black Panther. Reggie, you're stepping aside as writer and Jonathan is
coming aboard - but you guys will be co-writing for an issue, right? 

Jonathan Maberry: Yeah, we had a blast banging ideas back and forth.
Reggie's been lighting a lot of fires in Wakanda and that gave me a chance
to hit the ground running. I did a little consulting on the second half of
the "Deadliest of the Species" arc. We worked as a team on BP #7, which is
the first installment of the "Power" arc, and we bounced so many intriguing
ideas off of one another that the arc starts with some eye-opening events. 

Reginald Hudlin: When we relaunched the book, I had over a year's worth of
plans starting with the attack on T'Challa that would lead to a bold new
direction for the series. I was very happy that the first arc is being as
well-received as it is. We were going to co-write the second arc together,
but by the time I finished the first issue, I was ready to move on.?? 

IGN Comics: Will we be seeing an artistic change for the series as well? 

Maberry: Yes -Will Conrad is penciling it and I've seen about half of the
pages for #7. Outstanding! Will's style really suits the new story
direction, too. There are new characters and even new villains, and Will
will get a chance to put his stamp on that. 

IGN Comics: Reggie, what was behind your decision to leave the series? It's
our understanding you'll still be a consultant on the series - what will
that entail? Will you still be providing plot ideas or long-term plans? 

Hudlin: I started this book as a mini-series, not an ongoing series. But the
guys at Marvel liked my work enough to turn it into a regular series. Then
out of the blue I got a corporate world as the President of Entertainment at
Black Entertainment Television. I carved my Black Panther commitment out of
my deal because it was a great creative outlet during a time when I didn't
have the time or latitude to do my own projects. But it was always a
juggling act. When I was doing Panther and Marvel Knights Spider Man while
being an exec it almost killed me. Once I left BET, I could really devote
myself to the new arc. But once it got out there that I was available,
suddenly there were a lot of film, television and other comic book projects
popping up. I had to make some hard choices. 

One of the things that makes writing a monthly comic really tough these days
are the big events that dominate the business. As a reader I love stories
like Civil War and Dark Reign, and as a writer they have provided
springboards for some of my best work in this medium. But they also call for
lots of planning and haggling over characters, like pleading for Dr. Doom a
year in advance. It's a lot easier for me to write a mini-series as opposed
to an ongoing series. 

Right now I'm working on Marvel Knights limited series that I'm very
excited, with an artist and friend I'm very excited about. We've worked with
each other in a number of media over the years, but we've never done a comic
together before! 


IGN Comics: Jonathan, some of our readers might not be familiar with your
work. What's your background and how did you become attached to Black

Maberry: I've been a writer for over thirty years, and I've had a chance to
do a bit of everything. I've done a dozen books on martial arts and half a
dozen books on supernatural folklore. My first three novels - Ghost Road
Blues, Dead Man's Song and Bad Moon Rising - were horror thrillers, the
first of which won the Bram Stoker Award for Best First Novel and was
nominated for Novel of the Year (though I lost to some guy named Stephen
King). I won a second Stoker -this time for nonfiction-for The Cryptopedia,
an occult & paranormal dictionary I co-authored with David F. Kramer. My
most recent nonfiction book, Zombie CSU: The Forensics of the Living Dead
won the Black Quill and Heinzman Awards and is nominated for a Best
Nonfiction Stoker. 

But the novel that brought me to Marvel's attention was Patient Zero, a
bio-tech thriller in which a Special Ops group square off against terrorists
with a zombie pathogen. My agent is fielding offers on an option for that as
a possible TV series. 

I also have an extensive background in martial arts and combat science. I've
been practicing and teaching jujutsu for forty-five years and hold an 8th
degree black belt in jujutsu and a 5th dan in kenjutsu (Japanese swordplay).
I worked as a bodyguard in the entertainment industry, taught self-defense
and martial arts for fourteen years at Temple University, and ran a company
that gave tactical workshops for all levels of law enforcement, including
SWAT, ATF and FBI. So, I bring a lot of practical experience in applied
combat, martial arts, special ops tactics, and related sciences. That's
definitely going to seep into Black Panther. 

IGN: Axel, what made Jonathan the ideal choice to succeed Reggie? 

Axel Alonso: Jonathan had just written a Punisher one-shot for me - "Naked
Kill" - and we were discussing what might come next. It came up that he was
a massive fan of the Black Panther and we just took it from there. 


IGN Comics: Jonathan, a simple question of sorts - who is the Black Panther
to you? To the Marvel Universe? What makes this character stand apart from
the thousands of other heroes? 

Maberry: The Panther has always been a favorite of mine. I grew up in a very
white racist neighborhood in Philadelphia and it was initially through
reading, particularly comic books that I learned about racial equality. I
remember the landmark story from Fantastic Four #119, in which the Panther
is imprisoned in what is essentially South Africa. The Torch and Thing help
his break out, and break down the walls -literally and figuratively-that
stand for segregation. That blew my mind and made me want to learn as much
as I could about the clash between races. I can say with complete honesty
that the Black Panther was responsible for setting me on the path to
understanding the nature and dangers of bigotry. 

Over the years I've always grabbed any book in which the Panther appeared,
and I always wanted him to do more than be the straight man in the Avengers.
Yeah, it was nice that he was there, but here was a character who was a
brilliant scientist, a fighter on a par with Captain America, and the king
of technologically advanced nation -and they rarely gave him center stage. 

I really loved the Christopher Priest run, and was blown away when I read
Reggie's "Who Is the Black Panther?". Finally the Panther got a chance to be
the true hero he should always have been. 

As far as I know the Panther was the first black super hero, and he's been
iconic ever since. It may be my own rationalization, but I believe that the
existence of the Panther as a symbol -comic book or not-helped in some way
to pave the way for the kind of political change we now have in America. 

Because the Panther has only been a major leading character for the last few
years, there are so many stories to tell. Whether we're talking T'Challa or
the new female Panther, there are so many great adventures to write. And,
the Panther has been an icon of integrity since his debut in the FF. There
aren't too many characters you can say that about. 


IGN Comics: Obviously Reggie has laid the tracks for a particular storyline
in the opening months of this series. Jonathan, are you largely following
his game plan or do you plan to depart from that path? 

Maberry: A bit of both. Reggie's taken the book in a lot of exciting
directions and laid the groundwork for some compelling storylines that will
be a part of the Panther landscape for years to come. At the same time, I
have my own vision for where storylines can go. But understand.even when one
writer is scripting a book a comic is a collaborative effort. I don't own
the Black Panther <http://comics.ign.com/objects/143/14303338.html>  anymore
than Reggie does. We're each part of a creative team that includes editors
and assistants, artists and other creative folks. It's like making a film
-the actor, director, cinematographer and composer each add a dimension to
the story created by the screenwriter. 

That said, there are some things I want to do with the book that no one's
done before, and that's the challenge any new writer faces. We want to make
the book as much our own as the collaborative process allows, while honoring
and including the elements from those writers who had it before. 


With the arc I'm currently writing, the new female Panther is in America to
track down the people responsible for the attack on T'Challa. We know that
Doom was the bad guy, but Wakanda has other enemies and sometimes their
agendas overlap.or even collide. The new Panther will have a new set of
supporting players (her P.R.I.D.E. -and, no I can't divulge what the acronym
stands for), new gadgets and weapons, and new villains. 

One of the joint ideas -laid down in Reggie's arc and continued through the
new arc-is that T'Challa is going through some serious changes. He's not the
Panther anymore and readers are going to be blown away by his journey, his
motivations, and his choices. I can pretty much guarantee that people will
be talking about this for a long time. 

Hudlin: Every writer has to make the book their own. Priest freaked people
out with his changes, but now everyone is grateful for the fantastic work he
did. I think Jonathan will be quickly embraced by fans. 

IGN Comics: Issue #3 seemed to definitively show that Shuri is the new
Panther. Were there other options considered along the way? 

Maberry: Don't jump to any conclusions as to what's going to happen to Shuri
or who will ultimately wear the costume. You haven't read the rest of
Reggie's arc. There are some major surprises coming. 

Hudlin: Don't assume!?? 

IGN Comics: Storm seems determined to return T'Challa's spirit to the mortal
plane. If she fails. will T'Challa be out of the book permanently? 

Maberry: There are some real surprises coming in the T'Challa story, and
unless Marvel whacks me over the head for saying so, I think Wakanda's
noblest son will be around -in one form or another-for a long, long time. 

Hudlin: T'Challa will always be in the book. It's just how he appears... 

IGN Comics: Even if T'Challa doesn't return, will Storm be a part of the

Maberry: Storm is T'Challa's wife and is a part of the Wakandan royal
family. She hasn't packed her bags to leave the country. 

Hudlin: T'Challa is married to Storm. So if he's in the book, she's in the

IGN Comics: Morlun has managed to kill Spider-Man. How does a relative
rookie like Shuri stand a chance? 

Maberry: Well, Shuri is part of the unified Wakandan resistance to Morlun's
invasion. He's bigger and badder than ever before, and he's going to cut a
bloody path all the way up to the palace gates. Heroes will fall. I won't
give away any spoilers, but the Battle of Wakanda is going to be big,
violent, and messy and that beleaguered nation is going to suffer some major

What Shuri's role in all of this remains to be seen. 

Hudlin: It's a bad situation for her. I had been wanting to use Morlun in
the?book for years, since I wrote him in Spider Man. I just needed some time
between his last appearance so folks would be shocked to see him again..and
using him as an opponent for the new Panther seemed especially cruel. Which
meant it must be done.?? 


IGN Comics: Morlun's goal is to absorb the energy of the panther totem.
We've seen Mephisto attempt this in the past only to fail due to the totem's
pure power. Can Morlun actually succeed where the Lord of Darkness failed? 

Maberry: As I said, Morlun is bigger and badder than ever. And as a devourer
of totems he poses a unique threat to the Panther that even Mephisto didn't.

Hudlin: Not to uncut Mephisto's weight as a baddie, but other than tricking
Spider-Man, what has he succeeded at? And his "victory" was just getting
someone out of a marriage, and I know a lot of guys who'll take that deal.
Morlun, on the other hand, does really kill people all the time. So yeah, he
can succeed. 

IGN Comics: It's been a while since we've seen the Avengers and Panther
interact. Is there a chance she might do just that? 

Maberry: Who knows what will happen with the new Panther. There's a lot of
story to tell, and there's pretty solid odds the Panther will cross paths
with a lot of key players. 

Hudlin: It'll happen sooner or later. The question is - on what terms? 

IGN Comics: Is there anything else you guys would like to add about the
future of the series? 

Maberry: We're going global with Wakanda and its problems. For the first
time in its history the nation's economy takes some hits and there's some
new threats coming from within the population. Like most countries, Wakanda
is a troubled house and that will shake the Royal family to its core. 

I'll be adding some elements of espionage, paranoia, and betrayal to the
story mix. And it'll be fun to follow the new Panther as she learns how to
be the hero and the symbol of an entire country. I'm also going to have some
fun with T'Challa's story. There's lots of cool things in store for him. 

Hudlin: I'll help out, but it's on Jonathan now. 

IGN Comics: Reggie, any last thoughts as you prepare to move away from your
role as writer? Jonathan, any thoughts coming aboard? 

Maberry: I like where the book went with Reggie at the wheel, and I'm
looking forward to putting some miles on the odometer myself. This is going
to be fun. 

Hudlin: This Black <http://stars.ign.com/objects/924/924248.html>  Panther
run has been a great education in the comic book business. This would not
have happened without Axel Alonso as a great editor who makes things happen.
At the same time, the next project I'm working on is going to rock.
Especially having seen some early sketches. I can't talk about some of the
other stuff yet, but this change will lead to a best of all world scenarios
for myself and for folks who enjoy my work.?

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