
2012-06-10 Thread Jack Maney
Hello, I'm not so terribly new to Perl but very new to SDL. I was fiddling with the following "Hello, World!"-ish code in the SDL manual: use strict; use warnings; use SDL; use SDLx::App; my $app = SDLx::App->new( width=> 800, height => 600 ); $app->draw_rect([ $app->width / 4, $app->height

Movement Stuck With Options of Up and Left...

2012-06-10 Thread Jack Maney
Everyone, First of all, thanks to Tobias Leech for so quickly answering my previous question on alpha values. Now, I'm trying to understand movement. I managed to hack together a simple, choppy, "movement by teleportation" app in which one can use ASDW to move a rectangle around in the screen