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search400This Week
 February 25, 2002
 In this Issue

>> From the Editor: Expert advice at your fingertips
>> Featured Topic: Top 10 expert responses
>> Expert Technical Advice:
* Featured expert -- Carol Woodbury
* Security snafu
* WRKF provides WRKOBJ-like file detail
>> Site Highlights:
* New WebSphere Strategies tip
* Ask the iSeries 400 experts
* 30% discount on XML training

 From the Editor:

by Debra Tart, assistant site editor

Expert advice at your fingertips
Once in a while you come across a problem you can't solve yourself. It's then that you wish you had your own expert right there to help you out. Well, we've come up with the next best thing -- the Top Expert Advice newsletter.

Our goal is to help iSeries professionals manage tasks they deal with regularly. Each month we will give you expert advice on such topics as security, backup and recovery, Web development and application development. We hope these Ask the Expert questions and answers will help you deal with a similar issue you're grappling with or perhaps enable you to take proactive steps to prevent problems.

The debut edition, which many of you received last week, covered security. In it we addressed issues such as implementing FTP and ODBC security and how to get to level 40 security.

To continue to receive the Top Expert Advice newsletter, you need to sign up for it. Simply edit your member profile by selecting the Top Expert Advice newsletter under the Tips section.

And if there's a topic you'd like us to cover, let me know. E-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED].

 Featured Topic:

Top 10 expert responses
by Michelle Davidson, site editor

When it comes to expert advice, application development and PC/Windows connectivity are tops on your mind so far this month. Here are the top 10 expert responses you sought out from Feb. 1-18, based on how often you read them. We hope they help you solve some problems or teach you a new way to work with your iSeries.

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert: Carol Woodbury, vice president of research and development, PowerTech Group

Categories: Security
Having been one of IBM's top security pros for the iSeries, Carol can give you the scoop on how to protect your data and your machine.

Submit a question

This Week: In the forums
>> Security snafu
This user changed the default Public authority to *Exclude on V4R5 system, but now the programmers say every time they create a new object the Public can't use it. Is there a way to compile a program or create a member with Public authority *Use as the default instead of changing the system value?
Read what other users say.

>> Debugging ILE RPG: What am I missing?
Chance says, "I execute the CRTBNDRPG command with the OPTION(*NODEBUGIO) and DBGVIEW(*SOURCE). I then execute the STRDBG command (with no changes to the defaults). The "display module source" screen comes up, but when I press F10 to step through the code, I am returned to the command line. What am I doing wrong?"
Do you know?
Post your suggestions.

Tip of the Week:
WRKF provides WRKOBJ-like file detail
The WRKOBJ command works well if you want to locate and work with OS/400 objects anywhere on your system. The problem, tip writer Joe Hervik points out, is it also lists other OS/400 objects, such as programs (*PGM), output queues (*OUTQ), tables (*TBL), and data queues (*DTAQ). It's not granular enough when locating files. If you're looking for specific OS/400 file objects, try the Work with Files (WRKF) command.
>> Read full tip

 Site Highlights

New WebSphere Strategies tip
Eliminate WebSphere team deployment headache. Check out our latest tip from Bob Cancilla. If you like what you see, edit your profile and have WebSphere Strategies delivered right to your inbox.
Read the tip

Ask the iSeries 400 experts
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30% discount on XML training
"Introduction to XML"
Looking to learn XML? This course is a perfect introduction to XML. If you act today you'll get a 30% off.

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Tips Contest
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