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search400This Week
 November 19, 2001
 In this Issue

>> From the editor: What iSeries users have to be thankful for
>> Featured Topic: Managing your iSeries
>> Expert Technical Advice: Better backups
>> Site Highlights:
* Best iSeries Web Links on PTFs
* Book of the week
* Event archive now available

 From the Editor:

by Michelle Davidson, Site Editor

What iSeries users have to be thankful for
Thursday is Thanksgiving in the U.S., and as always people start thinking about what they're thankful for. We often say we're thankful for our good health, that we have loving family, that we have a roof over our heads, even that we're simply still here able to celebrate this holiday again.

In our professional lives we're also thankful for things, and so this week I decided to look at what iSeries users may be thankful for. The following is our top 10 list:

10. There are always jobs for iSeries professionals. Some people say they've been able to find jobs over the past 10 years or so in both the U.S. and abroad.
9. New technologies you learn on this platform will carry over into your future jobs or careers.
8. Despite the bad economy, a recent survey found many iSeries professionals aren't receiving pay cuts.
7. Sales for the iSeries are doing pretty well. iSeries revenue for the third quarter was $500 million, compared with $465 million for the same quarter in 2000.
6. It is the most powerful platform on which to run your e-business operations.
5. The iSeries is easy to maintain and use. For example, operating system changes do not require rewriting programs.
4. The iSeries is more secure than other servers against viruses and other attacks. (Just ask people in NT shops about the havoc recent viruses wreaked.)
3. When it comes to reliability and performance, there's nothing better than an iSeries. For example, one user wrote, "The manager of a PC network asked me how many times a week he can expect the iSeries to be 'down.' My answer: It may not be down even once during a year."
2. The community of iSeries users is like family. You stick by each other and stand strong for your support for this machine.

And the Number 1 reason …

> There's no Bill Gates!

If there's something you'd like to add to this list, e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]. You may also post your suggestions and comments in our Sound Off Discussion Forum.

 Featured Topic:

Managing your iSeries
by Deb Tart, Assistant Site Editor
Getting optimum system performance is not an easy task. Here you'll find advice on managing your iSeries systems, improving performance, enhancing security and monitoring your systems.

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice: Better backups

Featured Expert: John Brandt, vice president of technical services, iStudio400.com

Categories:Application Development, Backup and Recovery, OS/400, DB2/400 and DB2 UDB
You name the iSeries subject, and John can answer almost any question about it. Backup and recovery is one of the new categories he's been added to on the site. Send him your questions if you're having problems with that area.

Submit a question

This Week: In the forums
>> iSeries 400 security
This member asked if there are security tools similar to RACF on the mainframe. Several users offered suggestions. Read what they said.
>> Backup + IPL
Another user writes, "We need to schedule an unattended backup for the late evening. The tape isn't supposed to be removed until the next day. Is there any problem because of the tape if we have an unattended IPL?" What do you think?

Tip of the Week:
The Web matures -- Web Services
The evolution of e-business for the iSeries has been a path of constant change and innovation. In September another bend in the road was created. IBM released WebSphere 4.0 Advanced Edition and with it introduced support for Web Services. E-business expert Bob Cancilla calls Web Services the most innovative and revolutionary technology to surface yet in a sea of Internet technologies and acronyms. And he shows you how it can change and improve how you do e-business.
>> Read full tip

 Site Highlights

Best iSeries Web Links on PTFs
Stay on top of your PTFs to prevent and repair problems.
PTF reports and articles

Book of the week
The MC Press Desktop Encyclopedia of Tips, Techniques and Programming Practices for iSeries and AS/400
More information
Event archive now available
E-business Technology Through 2002
If you missed last week's Live Expert Q&A on E-business Technology Through 2002 with Bob Cancilla and Bleddyn Williams, don't worry you can get the full audio/visual experience anytime with the event archive. Click above to listen to this event archive and all the past events.

Tips Contest
Got a tip that could help other users? Send it in. You could win a Pen Cam Mini Digital Camera.
Submit a tip

Win2k Best Practices
Windows 2000 in the Enterprise is a free newsletter that will help you learn from the experiences, and mistakes, of organizations that are strategically managing Win2000 environments.

FREE conference
The proposed HP-Compaq merger can have a tremendous impact on your company, but do you know how to best prepare for it? Find out at our free HP-specific event.
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