Title: DBA Tips
May 05, 2004 Published by  SearchDatabase.com

DBA Tips

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Issue Sponsored By:
Quest Software

Hardware clustering vs. replication: A case study
DB2: Best practices for tuning DB2 UDB v8.1
Oracle: Identifying fragmented indexes that should be rebuilt
SQL Server: The top four ways to secure SQL Server
Featured Topic: DBMS performance

Maximize DB2 Potential through Space Management
Download Quest Software's white paper "Maximize the Potential of DB2 through Effective Space Management" and learn how to manage space structures in DB2 UDB v8.1. Examine benefits of regular maintenance to improve availability and performance. Download the white paper


Hardware clustering vs. replication: A case study
A real-life example showing the superiority of software replication over hardware clustering to maximize data availability. Sybase is used as an example but the argument is universal.
Featured Topic: Spotlight on Sybase
Featuerd Topic: Availability

DB2: Best practices for tuning DB2 UDB v8.1
[Fraser McArthur]
This article takes a practical approach to performance tuning for DB2 UDB. It covers techniques you can implement at various stages of development or on a production system, including database design and layout, database configuration, SQL statement design, maintenance, and monitoring.

Oracle: Identifying fragmented indexes that should be rebuilt
[Tiffany Linn]
This tip will help address performance issues when Oracle stops using indexes on highly volatile tables. It identifies indexes that are fragmented and should be rebuilt.

SQL Server: The top four ways to secure SQL Server
[Mike Chappel]
Here is a brief checklist of the most important actions to take when locking down your SQL Server.

Also on SearchDatabase.com
ASK THE EXPERTS: Ask the Expert: Counting rows in a subtree
Our SQL expert Rudy Limeback discusses the adjacency vs. nested set model.

TOPICS: Featured Topic: DBMS performance
A slow DBMS is not only annoying to users, it can also affect your bottom line. Our collection of tuning advice will help you achieve maximal speed and reliability for your system.

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