SEARCHDATABASE.COM'S Database Developer Tips
August 1, 2001 

Welcome to the searchDatabase.com Database Developer Tips newsletter!
Today's tip, "VBA database class modules" can also be viewed online

Don't forget about our collection of over 200 DBA, developer, Oracle,
DB2, and SQL Server tips FREE to searchDatabase members:

******** Storage Decisions 2001 ***********

Storage Decisions 2001 (SD2001), an exclusive conference focused on
storage, is brought to you by our sister site searchStorage.com. The
event takes place in Chicago from September 26 through 28. Unlike any
other storage conference, this event is FREE to searchDatabase.com
members who manage storage in enterprise environments and face
storage decisions in the upcoming months and year. Other events
merely identify the issues you face, SD2001 tackles them head on with
specific how-to-advice to set strategy, make key decisions and manage
storage effectively. Benefit from the expertise of top storage
analysts like Gartner Group's Nick Allen, seasoned experts like Steve
Duplessie of ESG and storage technologists independent expert and
best selling author John William Toigo.


"VBA database class modules" 

By Barrie Sosinsky

A Class module contains the definition for a new object. Procedures
to represent the properties and methods of the object can be defined
in the module. Class modules were available to Access developers
first in the Access 97 database. The addition of standalone class
modules in Visual Basic for Applications or VBA is a welcome site to
users and would be developers. A class is the definition of an
object. The module allows you to define the class or object. Once a
class is defined, you can then create a new object simply by creating
a new instance of the class. 

While you may not be aware of it, you have probably used classes and
associated objects already. As a brief example, the forms or reports
modules you use are class modules, while the form or report itself is
actually the instantiated object. Instantiated is when you create a
new instance of a class, you create a new object, usually by using
the set keyword, which assigns a variable to represent the new
object. That is also a new occurrence of a class. Another good
example of object definition and its instantiated result is the
ComboBox class and a ComboBox object on your generated form.

Many times the same set of processes must be applied repeatedly
whenever certain types of data are needed by your application. You
can encapsulate your data combined with the rules and regulations
that apply, and let less experienced developers have access to it
without destroying or corrupting it. Since they are allowed only to
reference the properties and methods, they do not go through entire
pages of your code. Encapsulation preserves the integrity of your

Some of the best reasons for working with class modules are:

 *  If you use the same types of forms, you can view multiple forms
in separate windows.
  *  If you have a multiuser environment and want to speed it up, you
can create class modules that represent your records as reusable
 *  You can ensure that business rules are enforced, by encapsulating
them and associated data into a single class.

More information about creating class modules is available at

Barrie Sosinsky ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is president of consulting
company Sosinsky and Associates (Medfield MA). He has written
extensively on a variety of computer topics. His company specializes
in custom software (database and Web related), training and technical



Featured Topic this week: Storage tips & tricks
The most important function of a DBA is storage management: the
backup and recovery of business-critical data. But how do you keep up
with emerging technologies such as DAS, SAN and NAS? SearchDatabase
has compiled the best online advice, news stories, Web links and
vendor listings to help you learn more about storage.

NEW: Three archived audio presentations with leading experts are now

   "Data mining for fun and profit," by Shaku Atre

   "Database replication," by Mike Hotek

   "SQL for Smarties," by Joe Celko

Don't forget about our collection of over 200 DBA, developer, Oracle,
DB2, and SQL Server tips FREE to searchDatabase members:

Ask the Expert category of the day: "Oracle"
Gurus Brian Peasland, Karen Morton, Rick Perron, and Eli Leiba are
available to answer your toughest Oracle questions. 

Hot topic in the DBA Water Cooler forum: "Multimedia databases"
Sunny asks: "What database is good for a multimedia web site?" Can
anybody offer some advice?

Our huge collection of hand-picked and reviewed Java resources: tips,
tutorials, and more:

Industry critic Fabian Pascal's latest rant against XML data

"Oracle 9i SQLJ Programming" 

By Nirva Morisseau-Leroy  

Take advantage of greater programming capabilities with SQLJ--a
standard language specification that embeds SQL statements in
Java--in the Oracle 9i environment. Officially authorized by Oracle
Corporation, this authoritative resource explains how to develop
hosted applications, achieve remarkable scalability, implement
real-time business intelligence features, and reach a new level of
programming functionality. Get comprehensive coverage of SQLJ
programming techniques, including SQL programming and development,
SQLJ stored programs, triggers, and object-relational processing.
Oracle9i SQLJ Programming will help you control each piece of the
development process. Discover the benefits of Oracle's highly
developed SQL-embedded Java programming standard. 


Do you have a time-saving shortcut, trick, or script that you want to
share with other database pros? The first fifty individuals who
submit a tip will receive a free searchDatabase.com hat. The highest
rated tips each month will win our "Tip of the Month" contest and
receive a high-quality searchDatabase.com denim shirt AND a free book
of your choice from Wrox Press. We're accepting short, focused tips
or code snippets on topics of interest to DBA's and database
developers, such as Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, database design, SQL,
performance tuning, etc. Click here for more info and to submit your


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