Title: Today's News
April 06, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com

Today's News

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Mark Your Calendar for SHARE User Events in NYC this August

IBM broadens compliance offerings
IBM to acquire data center management software firm Candle
Research: Strong growth for Linux messaging market
BlackBerry ripening into mobile app platform
Featured Topic: Domino and WebSphere integration
March goes out like a glitch for Wal-Mart

Automate your Notes ND6 client install & config. Eliminate desktop visits and reduce support calls. FREE NATIONWIDE SEMINARS: See it for yourself.


IBM broadens compliance offerings
IBM addresses federal regulation compliance with products that span its software portfolio, including offerings for Lotus and Tivoli.
Article: Domino shops confront compliance conundrum
Article: IBM Lotus delivers Workplace additions

IBM to acquire data center management software firm Candle
Candle's technology is expected to boost IBM Tivoli's software management product line.

Research: Strong growth for Linux messaging market
A new study predicts big things for the open source operating system in a messaging environment.

BlackBerry ripening into mobile app platform
Research In Motion is working to make its BlackBerry platform friendly to developers, but an analyst says the company may face its share of challenges.

Also on SearchDomino.com
TOPICS: Featured Topic: Domino and WebSphere integration
Even if Domino isn't going away any time soon, WebSphere is still here. But it may not be an either/or situation. Here are tips, resources and articles to help you figure out how to get the best out of both worlds.
Mark your calendars to attend SHARE User Events in New York, taking place August 15-20, 2004.
This mega training event will feature user-run technical education, on-site seminars, hands-on labs, a vendor product/service expo, and several professional networking opportunities. More details will be available soon.

TOPICS: New Poll: Do you belong?
Do you belong to a Domino user group? If so, has your group changed its focus to include other Lotus technologies?

Previous poll results:
We asked if enterprise IM was worth the investment. See how the Domino community voted.

TOPICS: Domino Developer Discussion: Changing Internet ReplyTo e-mail address on the fly
"Haggest" writes:
Has anyone figured out a way to use the Notes client to change one's Internet e-mail ReplyTo address on the fly? I can change the Imailaddress field (labeled Internet mail address) on a Location doc in my NAB, but I'd like to select a different return address as I send an e-mail from Notes.

The Missing Link
March goes out like a glitch for Wal-Mart
[The Associated Press]
Bentonville, we have a problem. If you charged up some stuff at Wal-Mart last Wednesday, sit down and then check your credit card bill. If you were charged twice or thrice for what you bought, join the club, and we don't mean Sam's Club. Thanks to a computer hardware glitch on March 31, more than 800,000 Wal-Mart customers nationwide were overbilled on their Visas and Mastercards. Talk about spastic plastic. Wal-Mart says the extra charges have been reversed, and the correct figures should begin to show up today.
Read the story.

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