Title: Webcast Alert
May 11, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com

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Discover how to evaluate an email security solution with definitive expertise focused on:
  • How preemptive email security compares with more conventional spam fighting approaches
  • Insights into the decision making process -- real-world examples of how Enterprise Rent-A-Car selected a managed service anti-spam solution and the results achieved
  • How spam and other threats are currently evolving "in the wild" and what you need to watch out for
Bonus: Attend and get the free white paper, "Expert's Guide to Choosing an Anti-Spam Solution."

To view the webcast below, simply click on the "Register for the webcast" link.

Preemptive Email Security: How Enterprise Rent-A-Car reduces spam
WHEN: May 18 at 12 p.m. EDT (16:00 GMT)
SPEAKERS: Scott Petry, VP of Engineering, Postini, Inc.
  Jeff Simington, Director of Platform Technologies, Enterprise Rent-A-Car
SPONSOR :   Postini, Inc.

Get a real-world "Enterprise" case study that defines how you can reduce spam and viruses and improve your email security and productivity. Join email expert and industry pioneer Scott Petry as he describes the merits of the "preemptive" email security approach compared with more traditional approaches.

Scott also shares insights into recent developments in the email threat landscape based on his responsibility for overseeing systems that process over one billion email messages per week. Plus you get the inside scoop from Jeff Simington, Director of Platform Technologies at Enterprise Rent-A-Car, on how they evaluated and selected a managed service solution to protect their email system.

Don't miss this opportunity to educate yourself and become a smarter customer when it comes to choosing an anti-spam solution that best fits your organization's specific requirements.

All registrants will receive a free white paper entitled: "Expert's Guide to Choosing an Anti-Spam Solution"

Scott Petry
VP of Engineering, Postini, Inc.

Scott is the founder of Postini and is responsible developing Postini's patented managed service technology in use by more than 3,000 customers worldwide. Prior to Postini, he held General Manager and VP positions at Cygnus Solutions (acquired by Redhat), Director of Advanced Messaging Products at SkyTel, and product manager positions at Apple Computer. Scott holds a B.S. degree from San Diego State University and was a member of the 1987 U.S. National Rowing Team.

Jeff Simington
Director of Platform Technologies, Enterprise Rent-A-Car

A 20-year IT professional, Jeff Simington is responsible for the platform technologies at Enterprise Rent-A-Car, which include engineering, implementing, and supporting solutions related to the AS/400, UNIX, and the Windows platform. For the past three years Jeff has been a part of the evolution of the Windows based e-mail infrastructure at Enterprise Rent-A-Car and has dealt with or is dealing with the issues of spam, viruses, and other threats to the infrastructure.


About the Sponsor

Postini, Inc.
Expert's Guide to Choosing an Anti-Spam Solution -- White Paper

Overwhelmed in trying to choose an anti-spam solution? Find out how to categorize email security approaches, and use 10 critical factors to determine the best protection for your enterprise email system.
> Download your free white paper!

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