Title: SearchDomino.com
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searchDominoThis Week
March 29, 2004 >> Receive this e-mail as text  >> About this e-mail 
 In this Issue

>> From the Editor: Buzz off!
>> Featured Topic: ND6 and beyond
>> Expert Technical Advice:
  • Featured Expert: Brian Mahoney, application development
  • Site Exclusives:
    >> Face-off: Domino vs. Exchange
    >> Federal spam lawsuits fall short of target
    >> Notes shops stock their antispam arsenals
  • Featured Tip: Programmatically create HTML e-mails
  • >> Site Highlights:
  • Tips Contest: Last chance to enter to win a flash drive
  • Webcast Archive: Control mail, fight spam with ND6
  • THIS WEDNESDAY -- Lotus Live! Series Webcast: IBM Lotus Notes 6.5 client update

  •  From the Editor:

    by Joyce Chutchian, Site Editor

    What's all the buzz? Well, it could be the latte I just had, but it also comes from developers, editors, marketing pros and ex-Domino developers who have moved over to the dark side (I won't mention any names); it seems that everyone has to speak their mind.

    It all started with John Vaughan's column on his outlook on Domino -- the once skeptic whose opinions changed after attending Lotusphere. One Sound 0ff comment on his column led to another contradictory column by Andrew Young, and from there the floodgates opened.

    The buzz continues in our Face-off on Domino vs. Exchange. I'd like to see some of our members (and non-members) facing off as well. Have you got a bone to pick? Are you in agreement with an article or opinion piece? Well let it all out.

    Keep in mind that your comments and opinion pieces are not only entertaining and educational for all of our readers, they also help us a great deal. I've said this many times before, and I'll say it again: Your opinion counts. We'd like to see more of you speak out on what you observe, what you want and what you like and dislike. We don't want these to get offensive or turn into gripe sessions. But we do want you to know that this is a Web site for you, and much of the content is from you.

    Got thoughts? Sound off!


     Featured Topic:

    ND6 and beyond
    by Dana McCurley, Assistant Editor

    Our recent poll indicates that Domino shops are evenly split between already having moved to ND6 and doing so in the next year. Get support or pre-upgrade advice, tips and articles here.

    Read more about this topic

     Expert Technical Advice:

    Featured Expert: Brian Mahoney, CLP application developer and administrator, BurmontPoint.com
    Category: Application development

    Brian Mahoney has been with SearchDomino.com since 1999. He has answered hundreds of questions posed to him by SearchDomino.com members.
    Ask Brian your application development question

    Site Exclusives
    >> Face-off: Domino vs. Exchange
    by Joyce Chutchian and Debra Bulkeley
    When it comes to messaging platforms, there's Exchange/Outlook and Domino/Notes -- and then there's everyone else. Two editors step into the ring to argue why their favored heavyweight is the true champ.

    >> Federal spam lawsuits fall short of target
    by Mark Brunelli
    Microsoft was among the first to sue spammers in federal court under the Can Spam Act. Industry watchers say those lawsuits will amount to little more than a paper chase, but there are other reasons for optimism.

    >> Notes shops stock their antispam arsenals
    by Mark Brunelli
    What does it take to slaughter spam? Notes/Domino administrators and industry experts offer up the secrets to their success.

    Tip of the Week:
    Featured Developer Tip: Programmatically create HTML e-mails
    by Angie Schottmuller
    This ND6 tip, submitted by faithful SearchDomino.com member Angie Schottmuller, provides code for programmatically creating fancy-looking HTML e-mails without storing a form in a document or inserting images. This tip's trick is that the message body is MIME instead of Rich Text.
    >> Read more HTML tips

     Site Highlights

    Tips Contest: Last chance to enter to win a flash drive
    Submit your Domino administrator or developer tip today (originals only!) for your chance to win a fashionable and handy JumpDrive. It has 256 MB of storage and can hold any kind of data -- MP3 files, pictures, video and more. It also features a data protection light and a built-in keyring hole. This flash drive is both PC- and Macintosh-compatible. We want your tips -- so think up your best trick and let us know.
    Check out the flash drive

    Webcast Archive: Control mail, fight spam with ND6
    If you missed last week's live webcast, with Andy Pedisich, president of Technotics, it's not too late to view it. Andy presented a hurricane of valuable information in his webcast on controlling mail file sizes and combating spam using the tools in ND6. His lengthy question-and-answer session put to ease many attendees' queries. Check out this webcast archive for 10 things you can do immediately to slim your mail files and reduce spam. Andy will be presenting an expanded version of this presentation at Admin2004 in May.
    Watch the webcast
    Sponsored By: Gessworks
    THIS WEDNESDAY -- Lotus Live! Series Webcast: IBM Lotus Notes 6.5 client update
    SPEAKERS: Brendan Crotty, product manager for Lotus Notes and Heidi Votaw, senior product management manager, IBM Lotus
    DATE/TIME: THIS WED., March 31 at noon EST (17:00 GMT)

    Join Lotus' Brendan Crotty and Heidi Votaw for a live, interactive update on Lotus Notes 6.5 client. Brendan and Heidi will discuss what's new with IBM Lotus Notes, Domino Web Access, Lotus Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook and messaging productivity enhancements, including improved integration, productivity and usability. As always, there will be plenty of time for questions after their presentation. Ask a question prior to the Lotus Live! Series webcast. Don't miss this live event!
    Sponsored By: Softquest

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