Title: Today's News
April 20, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com

Today's News

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There's logic in moving beyond Bayesian filters
IBM delivers middleware for utilities, government use
Software shines in IBM financial report
Symantec takes all-in-one Domino security approach
Reader Poll: What's your preferred programming language?
'Toothing' craze bites Britain

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There's logic in moving beyond Bayesian filters
Bayesian filters are effective spam fighters, but they are best used as a last line of defense against unwanted e-mail, experts say. To get more aggressive, try DNS blacklists, whitelists and a relatively new method called URL-based filtering.

Article: Notes shops stock their antispam arsenals
Article: Market for antispam software red hot

IBM delivers middleware for utilities, government use
The new offerings, which integrate Lotus collaboration tools, focus on regulatory, security and remote operations issues.

Software shines in IBM financial report
[e-Pro Magazine]
Overall, Big Blue's software unit saw an 11% jump in year-over-year revenue, though Lotus technologies exceeded that by rising 15% in the first quarter.

Symantec takes all-in-one Domino security approach
[Globe Technology]
The new Symantec Mail Security for Domino is an integrated service to combat malicious threats, spam and other unwanted e-mail content. It now offers attachment and subject-line blocking capabilities, among other spam fighting techniques.

Also on SearchDomino.com
TOPICS: Reader Poll: What's your preferred programming language?
What's your preferred programming language -- Java, LotusScript, neither, or both? Cast your vote in our poll!

TOPICS: Best Web Links -> Languages -> LotusScript
Check out this collection of articles and advice on LotusScript. Here is just a sample of what you'll find in this category:

  • Developers stay true to Lotus
  • Get certified in LotusScript in Notes for Advanced Developers
  • Using Windows APIs from LotusScript
  • Using the object-oriented features of LotusScript
  • Java for LotusScript programmers

    Click here to access these LotusScript links and others.

    TOPICS: Featured Topic: Developer speak
    Java vs. LotusScript -- which one is better when? What are the advantages of each? We've collected the best articles, tips and expert responses to help you figure out which language should be used for which occasion.

    The Missing Link
    'Toothing' craze bites Britain
    A new high-tech trend in Britain is called "toothing," but it has absolutely nothing to do with dentistry. "Toothing" is a phenomenon wherein naughty strangers use their cell phones to arrange naughty encounters with other strangers in public places, especially confined places such as trains, buses and even supermarkets. It's called "toothing" because Bluetooth wireless technology makes it all possible -- you can anonymously send all your "come hither" info to any fellow Bluetoothers within 10 meters. People are running their data up the Bluetooth flagpole and seeing who salutes, or in this case, seeing who decides to hook up in the loo.
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