Title: Today's News
April 28, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com

Today's News

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Postini Enterprise Spam Filtering

Avoiding e-mail migration migraines
IBM buoys disaster recovery, network management offering
IBM, Morgan Stanley in mega data center outsourcing deal
Gartner: PDAs getting cheaper to buy, manage
Member Feedback: Your comments on 'Efficient use of deny lists' tip
A shore thing: 'Offshore Tracker' goes up for the count

Top 10 Reports Every Email Administrator Lives For
See how real-time monitoring and detailed reporting can make email security management much easier and more effective for every administrator. Postini's web console "dashboard" identifies threats and gives you email insights you really shouldn't live without. Click here to download.


Avoiding e-mail migration migraines
Lots of companies are upgrading e-mail platforms or moving to new systems. Those who've made the move offer up advice from the trenches.

Advice: Is now the time for an e-mail migration?
Article: Eight tips for an easy ND6 migration

IBM buoys disaster recovery, network management offering
The new services allow more freedom for IT departments as Big Blue assumes network monitoring responsibilities and system back-up options during emergencies.

IBM, Morgan Stanley in mega data center outsourcing deal
The contract includes the building of an on-demand computing infrastructure.

Gartner: PDAs getting cheaper to buy, manage
Gartner says the cost of buying and managing PDAs is going down, but to make PDA purchases for the workforce worthwhile, enterprises must avoid several pitfalls.

Also on SearchDomino.com
TOPICS: Member Feedback: Your comments on 'Efficient use of deny lists' tip
This security tip by Chuck Connell has recently been commented on by several SearchDomino.com members. Read the tip and then check out the recent member feedback. To add your own two cents, just follow the "Let us know" link at the bottom of the tip.

ASK THE EXPERTS: Ask Andre Guirard: Tracking field changes
Dear Andre: What is the best method to check if a certain field has been changed? In a Purchase Order database, sometimes the amount is changed if the specs change. If this happens, our accounting department needs to be made aware of the change. So I'm looking for a way to compare before and after values of the amount field, and then perform various actions if the value has changed.
Read Andre's expert answer.

TOPICS: Notes/Domino Tip Contest: Submit a tip and win $100!
We're looking for your great Notes/Domino tips. You can win a $100 American Express gift cheque for your original tip. The Amex gift cheques are just like cash and accepted everywhere, so you can pick your own prize or deposit the cheque at your bank and keep the cash instead! Think up your best tip and share it with your Domino peers today.

The Missing Link
A shore thing: 'Offshore Tracker' goes up for the count
A new online tracker is tabulating totals and naming names when it comes to U.S. jobs sent overseas.
Read the story.

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