
I'm new to colloidal silver making and its applications/usages and am finding the learning curve to be more than daunting.

I cannot figure out how important the PPM's are, and I wonder how I would test my homemade CS to determine if I have, in fact, truly acheived the goal of making CS.

Is there a "Colloidal Silver for Dummies" book or website that can I can consult and refer to as I navigate the complex waters of this listserve? I'm usually a quick study but this CS stuff is not sinking in.

Any url's or books you guys can direct me to would be very much appreciated. Six weeks of reading this list's digests seems to be generating more questions than answers for me.

Sorry to be such a whiny newbie.

Thanks for any help/suggestions,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>