CS Distiller de-scaler

2009-09-13 Thread Harold MacDonald
My distiller came with a sample cleaner and de-scaling compound. I don't see why that well hyped product CLR wouldn't do the same job. Harold -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post,

CSCS;Silver nanoparticles

2009-09-01 Thread Harold MacDonald
Whoop-de-doo,whaddya know? Could this be our lowly protocol of Nebulizing finally hitting the big time??? Harold http://www.naturalnews.com/z026952_nanoparticles_silver_bacteria.html -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are

CSLink to Osteoporosis drugs

2009-08-31 Thread Harold MacDonald
Linda;Here's a good article re the dangers of Osteoporosis drugs,some of which I have had first hand experience. Nasty stuff. I sincerely hope that all goes well. Harold

Re: CSOT Vit D

2009-08-28 Thread Harold MacDonald
Here's some info from Drug information site. alfacalcidol Pronunciation: al-f-kalsi-dol A derivative of vitamin D used in the treatment of hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D-dependent rickets, and rickets... Medical Dictionary (Stedman's - Original Message - From: Kirsteen Wright To:

Fw: CSHeartburn

2009-08-28 Thread Harold MacDonald
Reply to Barb. I'll bet there are others out there who would benefit from this protocol. Harold - Original Message - From: Harold MacDonald To: Barb Radle Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 4:46 PM Subject: Re: CSHeartburn You are telling my story exactly as it WAS,and all the usual

CS Baking soda,heartburn

2009-08-28 Thread Harold MacDonald
There are a few of us old timers who remember Al Jolson.A famous singer way back in the 1920s , '30s,'40s. Baking soda killed him as was determined some years after his death.It was found that he had severe indigestion caused by H-Pylori.The only relief at the time of his death was Baking

CS Liposomal maker

2009-08-24 Thread Harold MacDonald
I missed out on where an Ultrasonic jewelery cleaner may be purchased. I missed some postings due to PC probs. Any one ? TIA; Harold -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post, address

CS some cancer cures

2009-08-09 Thread Harold MacDonald
Subject: Re: Baking Soda, Maple Sirup Cancer Cure Mix 3 parts organic maple syrup with 1 part Aluminum free baking soda ( Red Mill Brand) stir with low heat (not over 120 degrees) for 10 minutes and take 3 tsp per day for 1 to 2 months. Change diet to no meat and especially no sugar!! and no

CS another cancer cure

2009-08-09 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have edited out other cases for brevity. Harold PS,I am not the biochemist in this article.` Asparagus for cancer' printed in Cancer News Journal, December 1979. I will share it here, just as it was shared with me: 'I am a biochemist,and have specialized in the relation of diet to health

CS Rating humanity

2009-08-08 Thread Harold MacDonald
words from Eckhart Tolle in his book, A New Earth: Fear, greed, and the desire for power are the psychological motivating forces not only behind warfare ... but also the cause of incessant conflict in personal relationships. If the history of humanity were the clinical case history of a

CS Old Timers list

2009-08-04 Thread Harold MacDonald
I'm going on 86,does that qualify? Can't say I can hold a candle to Wayne tho. By gum,he shure learned me a whole bunch. Gunna miss him a lot. Harold -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To

CS GABA source

2009-07-07 Thread Harold MacDonald
http://betterlife.com/prod_home_page.asp?prod_id=27651 Other benefits of GABA Snipped; The Lipoic Acid, vitamin E treatment significantly increased the level of glutathione, GABA and serotonin levels in the whole brain as well as in the regions of the olfactory lobe, cerebrum,

Re: CScandida - again

2009-07-06 Thread Harold MacDonald
Does pertain to Candida,besides other important problems. Harold Feeding mice butyric acid improved their ability to burn fat on a high fat diet. The butyric acid improved their muscle function, health of brown adipose tissue, and various gene signals involved with fatty acid metabolism.

CS Spark plud proto

2009-07-05 Thread Harold MacDonald
I trick I would try is this; Get a 6 ,or 9 volt battery, two copper wires,insulation stripped off each end about 1 inch except one end enough to hold in one hand, wetted with CS or salty water. Connect the other end of that wire to the negative post - sign. Scotch tape one end of the other

CS re spark plug protocol

2009-07-05 Thread Harold MacDonald
My previous post info. was intended to be used to neutralize venoms,not germs or bacteria. Harold -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post, address your message to:

Re: CS 5 July - zappers EIS gel

2009-07-05 Thread Harold MacDonald
...@juno.com To: Harold MacDonald har...@telus.net Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 5:15 AM Subject: Re: CS 5 July - zappers EIS gel I have one of Hulda Clark's zappers whose pads have gel on so that they stick to the skin - well I decided to use my own EIS gel when her gel became un sticky, and they work

CSCS: Clark Zapper protocol

2009-07-03 Thread Harold MacDonald
The protocol for Hulda Clarks' Zapper is to hold the electrodes for 20 minutes,stop for 7 minutes then electrodes for 20 min.s,rest for 7 min.s,then repeat electrodes again for 20 minutes, or simply, three sessions. Harold -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal

CSCS correction re Zapper

2009-07-03 Thread Harold MacDonald
My error,I had the times reversed,below is correct. Harold the instructions I received with my zapper said to use it for 7 minutes then 20 minute break, then 7 minutes another 20 minute break and a third round of 7 minutes and 20 minutes off again. Elizabeth Williams belzi...@hotmail.com

CSCSlKidney stones,asparagus

2009-06-07 Thread Harold MacDonald
Some interesting info re above. Harold Quote: 'I am a biochemist,and have specialized in the relation of diet to health for over 50 years. Several years ago, I learned of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure cancer. The elements of Materia Medica', edited in

CSCS: Steam distillers/xfrmers

2009-05-30 Thread Harold MacDonald
A good transformer should not hum enough to be annoying.If it does ,then it is of poor quality.That means the iron laminations are too loose and they vibrate in sync. with the current cycles. If your supplier is close,get them to plug in and try them until you get one without the hum.The good

CSCS: Cataracts

2009-05-21 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have recently read some people who were vacationing in the tropics and one person who had cataracts was accidently sprayed in her eyes with the milk from a sloppily opened coconut.It stung a bit but a damp cloth eased it.They were astounded when she said her cataracts were gone.This was

CSCS:? H-Pylori

2009-05-18 Thread Harold MacDonald
To Bernadette. This link is good. http://www.wellnessresources.com:80/health/articles/glutamine_helps_stomach_ulcers/?source=Emailcamp=news051809 -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To

CSCS: ? re Calcium deposits

2009-05-13 Thread Harold MacDonald
Had an interesting trip Saturday to ER due to TIA , CT scan shows Calcium deposits in capillaries supplying brain. Med. Neurosurgeon says no way to remove. Anybody know of a possible way to dissolve same for elimination? Needless to say my grey matter isn't running on all cells. TIA. Harold --

CS Stevia

2009-05-06 Thread Harold MacDonald
Have been using it for a long time now and am well pleased with it.I use both the powder and the liquid extract.It is strong and does leave a bit of a bitter taste if too much is used. Harold -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for

CSCS and Avian flu

2009-04-28 Thread Harold MacDonald
When the Natural Solutions Foundation shared our analysis of the weaponization of the Avian Flu with you in 2008, we got thousands of emails asking us what to do to protect ourselves. What does Dr. Laibow use?. We said very clearly that while the weaponized Avian Flu Virus might not react the

CSCS: nebulizing withCS/EIS

2009-04-27 Thread Harold MacDonald
I would not be without an Ultra-sonic cool mist humidifier ,particularly now.This machine has been a great blessing for me re brochial pneumonia.In the past it was a regular thing in the fall and winter to have to go for ABX for B.Pneumonia.With the above mister,no more.It's mind stunning how

Re: CSProper Food Combining, Cooks are Chemists

2009-04-15 Thread Harold MacDonald
Voltaire was supposed to have said back in the late 1700s, Good cooks are food poisoners! Harold - Original Message - From: Wayne Fugitt cwa...@netdoor.com To: silver-list@eskimo.com Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:48 AM Subject: CSProper Food Combining, Cooks are Chemists At

CSRe: Gall stones /pH

2009-04-09 Thread Harold MacDonald
To Dianne; If I was his Dr.,I would first want to know his diet. I would lay odds that this is at the root of his problem I would check pH along with using Bragg ACV. If the body is acidic and is not brought around to a balance with alkilinity,you will just spin your wheels. Get pH strip paper

CSCS; Silver coins,DW

2009-03-24 Thread Harold MacDonald
Where I live in Canada,Silver Maple Leaf coins can be bought at Currency Exchanges.To my knowledge most banks do not sell them.At least my banks don't. Try googling precious metals also. As for DW,I ended up by getting a good distiller.. It was a bit costly,but worth it as I distill for both

CSCS: Tooth rebuilding

2009-02-23 Thread Harold MacDonald
I understand that Xylitol gum has been used with good results in rebuilding tooth enamel. Also it will kill many pathogens in the mouth. Harold -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To

CSSome bit of humor

2009-02-08 Thread Harold MacDonald
Duncan MacDolt was late home from the pub,and his bitter half ,Margie was fraught with worry.Unlike him to be tardy. The hour grew late and finally the door burst open and in staggered Duncan,and what a sight,all covered in muck,slime and all other manner of filth. Great glory in heaven cried

CSCS: Selenium ?

2008-12-30 Thread Harold MacDonald
Any-one tell me what Elemental Selenium is? This is all it says on the bottle. I assume it is organic,yes?,no? Harold -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post, address your message

Re: CSNewbie wants to make take CS

2008-12-23 Thread Harold MacDonald
I use a home-made Xformer with a 27Volt AC tap,rectified with a diode bridge ,buffered to 32VDC,A 1K ohm. resister in series .Two Canadian maple leaf coins[. pure] and self made double distilled water. I adjust the space between coins to get 1 ma of current. When current rises to approx

CS Re Linus Pauling and Nobel prize

2008-12-22 Thread Harold MacDonald
I stand corrected re Pauling and nobel prizes. Thanks to Sol. Pauling was not awarded them for Vitamin C ,but for the following; The first was for chemisty, the second was the peace prize for his work against nuclear testing. http://almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/1954a.html 1954 Nobel Laureate in

CSImmune system at night

2008-12-21 Thread Harold MacDonald
Sunday, December 21, 2008 Immune System Works Better at Night Greater success fighting infection than during the day, study says (HealthDay News) -- A good night's sleep really does a sick body good, new research says. Stanford

CS Vit.C, Linus Pauling,Scurvy,limies!

2008-12-21 Thread Harold MacDonald
I understand that Linus Pauling was the only person to ever be awarded the Nobel prize twice for his work with Vitamin C. I have not heard or read where Vitamin C turns to H2O2 in the blood. I am reposting a previous post re Vit C. and Scurvy, and if it turns to H2O2in the blood, how is it able

CS Vit. D and Colon cancer

2008-12-20 Thread Harold MacDonald
It is important that ONLY Vitamin D3 is used as D2 is not pure natural D. I have found many supplement compounds use D2, so read the labels. Harold. Vitamin D can affect a colon cancer cell by adjusting everything from its gene expression to its cytoskeleton. Recent research shows that one

CSCS:Vit.D by Dr. Mercola

2008-12-18 Thread Harold MacDonald
Dr. Mercola's Comments: I've been writing a lot about vitamin D lately, and that's because I want it to sink in with each and every one of you reading this just how important it is for your health. I even recorded a one-hour vitamin D lecture on the topic to help clear up any

CSCS Vitamin D my case

2008-12-18 Thread Harold MacDonald
Meant to include this with my post re Dr Mercola and Vit. D. I am in my mid eighties now and have been taking 3000 to 5000 IUs per day of Vit.D3 most every day for a fair number of years now;except when I go south for a vacation. Then I get it from the sun. I haven't had a Flu shot for many

CSCS: Silver coins

2008-12-06 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have used Canadian maple leaf silver coins since day one.I got a pair of alligator clip wires ,red and black from Radio Shack for about $1.49 and I suspend the coins from a home-made gantry and let them dangle in the water.[not letting the clips get in the water] . I have tried different

CSFw: CS:Plaque buster

2008-11-30 Thread Harold MacDonald
of which you speak. - Original Message - From: Harold MacDonald har...@telus.net To: Silver Post silver-list@eskimo.com Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:48 PM Subject: CS:By-pass surgery This weak spot in the artery is likely a symptom of underlying scurvy; a severe lack of Vitamin C.This

CSFw: CS:Plaque buster

2008-11-14 Thread Harold MacDonald
I'm re-posting this as I feel it fits the problem of which you speak. - Original Message - From: Harold MacDonald har...@telus.net To: Silver Post silver-list@eskimo.com Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:48 PM Subject: CS:By-pass surgery This weak spot in the artery is likely a symptom

CSCS: Further to plaque buster

2008-11-14 Thread Harold MacDonald
I was called away before I could finish. I fully believe that one of the most important things that should be tested for and rectified if necessary is pH,potential Hydrogen. Recent reported results of population testing showed that over 60% of people were in an acidic state,to the detriment of

CSCS: food poisoner,detergents,melamine

2008-10-31 Thread Harold MacDonald
Back in the 1780s Voltaire said good cooks were food poisoners. I have found a good D.Washer deterg.powder called ECOVER which does a good job[from HF store]. We first started using Melmac[melamine] dishes etc about 40 years ago at our cabin at the lake.I still use cups now and then at

CSCS: CS into the sinus'

2008-10-27 Thread Harold MacDonald
A good way to make sure the CS mix gets into all the sinus cavities is to lie on your back on a bed with your head hanging down over the edge.Then with a dropper squirt into each nostril in turn,rolling the head from side to side. Easier if you can get a helper to do the squirting. Harold

CSCS: re Mules/donkeys at war

2008-10-24 Thread Harold MacDonald
Who said ? ; Mules and donkeys aren't used in war because they're too smart to go on a battlefield I beg to differ; My father -in - law was in WW1 and was bringing up shells for the big guns, leading a loaded horse and a mule. An enemy shell came in a blew the horse

CSCS:. re boils

2008-10-14 Thread Harold MacDonald
Back in the 1930s/'40s,boils were fairly common [usually in the fall and winter].The best treatment at that time that I remember using was , Churchills Tincture of Iodine. Painting the boils once or twice a day was the protocol. I can assure you they were anything but pleasant. Knowing what I

CSCS: MS and Vit.D

2008-10-13 Thread Harold MacDonald
The farther north or south of the Equator/tropic zones you go ,the greater the incidence of MS.This has been linked to low levels ofVitamin D from sunlight . It is imperative that supplementation be instituted. If done,Vitamin D3 is recommended,, up to 4000 IUs/day. Harold -- The Silver

CSVit. D ,more info. MS

2008-10-13 Thread Harold MacDonald
Monday, October 13, 2008 Vitamin D Supplementation Guidelines for Youngsters Doubled American Academy of Pediatrics raises daily recommended intake from 200 to 400 IUs By Amanda Gardner HealthDay Reporter Certain risks associated with vitamin D deficiency have been known for decades:

CSCS: Cancer cure to Debbie

2008-10-12 Thread Harold MacDonald
Worth a try. As the old saying goes K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple, Stupid ! Quote:- This [new cancer] treatment is a combination of pure, 100% maple syrup and baking soda and was first reported on the Cancer Tutor site. When mixed and heated together, the maple syrup and baking soda bind

CSCS: CMO and Lithium Orotate/Sinus

2008-10-06 Thread Harold MacDonald
I got Lithium O. from iherb and CMO from Sunstone Herbals in the past. No problem so far. Further to my recipe for Sinus,I do remember now having overloaded the mix with DMSO for special use with a nasal infection due to side effects from a medication, not even remotely connected with sinus.

Re: CS for Sinus; Xylitols' reason

2008-10-05 Thread Harold MacDonald
:09 PM, geoe...@ipa.net wrote: You ask Can we get your recipe? I got this from a email from Harold Macdonald: Here it is.. 1 Start with 2 oz of CS 2 Add 1/4 teaspoon of MSM 3 Add 4 drops of DMSO 4 Add 1/4 teaspoon of Xylitol The sugar substitute 5 Add 2 drops H2O2 35 per cent food


2008-09-19 Thread Harold MacDonald
Sorry Dee,I should have checked before I sent that link.It doesn't work now and I also forgot to put in www. However Dr Reams site has a great deal of excellent info. The site I was trying for was this bit: Quote from; Dr Carey Reams Alive and Be Well. The PH is a measurement of resistance and

CSCS: Osteoporosis

2008-09-18 Thread Harold MacDonald
Until the bodys' pH is brought into proper balance,you are waging a losing battle. If the blood is not in pH balance,the bones will be robbed of calcium to bring it into stasis. To get some info re same google pH . As for Fosamax,it is a drug you couldn't get me to take for a diamond as big as

Re: CSCS: further to distill/concentrace minerals

2008-09-18 Thread Harold MacDonald
,body balanced Ionic minerals and trace elements. Harold - Original Message - From: jessie70 jessi...@optonline.net To: Harold MacDonald har...@telus.net Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 7:27 PM Subject: RE: CSCS: further to distilling where do they get the minerals from

Re: CSDistilling technique...

2008-09-16 Thread Harold MacDonald
Mike; I have a fairly expensive distiller and I find I have to draw off the tap water in pails and let sit for at least 18 to 24 hours to let the chlorine in it dissipate.Then I double distill it for CS/EIS,if I don't sometimes it does taste different. Also there is a lot of sediment that

CSCS: further to distilling

2008-09-16 Thread Harold MacDonald
For potable/drinking water; not for CS/EIS; After distilling,the water is basically dead.You have to re-constitute it using concentrated minerals.I use Concentrace minerals [from HF store] and add 35 drops per US gallon,or 40 to Imperial gallon.After using this water,no way do I want to go

Re: CSVaricose veins?

2008-09-10 Thread Harold MacDonald
I am re-posting some info that should benefit your husband. Sure sounds like Scurvy;a lack of Vitamin C. This was the bane of sailors in the early days.One of the symptoms of scurvy was the blood vessels getting so weak and thin they leaked blood.Internal Haemorrhaging [Spell ?].There were other

Re: CSIodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-05 Thread Harold MacDonald
To Wayne et al; I agree with him all the way. I don't take quite as many supps as Wayne,but close. I did the Broda Barnes test for thyroid about 15 years ago and it was 92.5 on waking in the AM. At least for one time my dr. was right when he wouldn't go for thyroid meds. So,I did a radical

CS Yellow CS/moon phases

2008-09-01 Thread Harold MacDonald
In my early days of cs making ,I was buying DW from Supmkts and the brew was all over the map from clear to pale yellow.to gold to shoe polish brown. I finally bought a good distiller and in the last 3 years,can remember only one batch not clear.It was pale cloudy grey because I had an emergency

CSCS for ulcers?;Table salt, never!

2008-08-07 Thread Harold MacDonald
Ulcers are basically caused by a bacteria known as Heli-cobacter Pylori thriving in a stomach that is low in Hydro-Chloric Acid [HCL].This bug has the ability to make and surround itself with Sodium Bi-carbonate,an alkili which neutralizes and depletes the acid. Strong stomach acid keeps these

cs Re cholesterol band -aid plaque

2008-07-28 Thread Harold MacDonald
My understanding is;the reason plaque is there isbecause the body has to stop leakage of blood thru the walls of the blood vessels,minute cracks, also inflammation can figure into this equation. To stop this band-aid effect. the underlying cause has to be addressed ; Scurvy, a lack of

CSFw: CS:By-pass surgery

2008-07-24 Thread Harold MacDonald
I am re-posting this as I feel it is very important and the underlying cause of so much Vascular disease. - Original Message - From: Harold MacDonald har...@telus.net To: Silver Post silver-list@eskimo.com Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:48 PM Subject: CS:By-pass surgery This weak

Re: CSendorphins

2008-07-22 Thread Harold MacDonald
Dianne; You might try Krill oil caps. from Dr.Mercola.I find these very easy to take and more effective than regular cod liver oil ,[UGH!!]. Go to his site and read the info on it. After an Industrial accident I was sent to a clinic where I learned how to mentally activate Endorphins .This has

Re: CSendorphins/mental activation

2008-07-22 Thread Harold MacDonald
. Harold - Original Message - From: Clayton Family clay...@skypoint.com To: Harold MacDonald har...@telus.net Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 9:28 AM Subject: Re: CSendorphins On Jul 22, 2008, at 10:13 AM, Harold MacDonald wrote: After an Industrial accident I was sent to a clinic where I

CSCS:By-pass surgery

2008-06-19 Thread Harold MacDonald
This weak spot in the artery is likely a symptom of underlying scurvy; a severe lack of Vitamin C.This lack causes the blood vessels to become very thin ,weak and porous.The constant pulsing of the heart is much greater here and stresses the wall of the blood vessel.This creates minute cracks

CSCS:Needed;a little famine?

2008-06-18 Thread Harold MacDonald
http://www.katewerk.com/modestproposal.html -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Address Off-Topic messages to:

Re: CSHelicobacter pylori

2008-06-13 Thread Harold MacDonald
I had very little success with any of the Medical systems protocols for H-Pylori until I went for Pepto-bismol [ the real stuff,not store brands], ginger capsules,and Manuka honey. Also on the advice of a Dr. in Dallas I started using Betaine HCL/pepsin. Regimen; 1 capsule 15 minutes before

CS Salt excretion test

2008-06-04 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have a simple way to determine if I'm losing salt,I just lick my skin.Today,I taste no salt,but some days it is quite strong.This follows when I eat overly salted food,particularly prepared grub,ugh Also to find if I need salt,I sprinkle some on my palm and lick it.If it tastes good,I

CS DW and magnets

2008-06-04 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have been magnetizing my DW which is in glass 1 gallon jugs.I add Concentrace minerals to bring the pH up from acidic to 7.04 approx..They are then set on a recessed strong speaker magnet with the negative side [-] up for approx. 24 hrs.If there is any sun,the jug is out in it for a period

CSCS: Potassium and salt mix,IES making

2008-05-27 Thread Harold MacDonald
Not much better way to make EIS than 3 9 volt batteries,Canadian silver maple leaf coins [. pure] or 99.99 silver wire and DW. As for Potassium,I get 99.9% pure KCL,aluminum free from my HF store and mix it 50/50 with either Sea salt or Himalaya salt.To test for your need for it,sprinkle

Re: CSDistilled water

2008-05-18 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have been using a Polar Bear distiller for a number of years now and am satisfied with it.I have tried both ways,ie single distill and double distilling for CS making. I only use a ma meter and volt meter to track it and so far can not see much difference in either way;single or double

CSFw: HSI e-Alert - Urgent - If anyone you know is planning surgery...

2008-05-17 Thread Harold MacDonald
Here's the link re surgery - Original Message - From: HSI - Jenny Thompson To: har...@telus.net Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 2:05 AM Subject: HSI e-Alert - Urgent - If anyone you know is planning surgery... May 16,

CSCS: bursting blood vessels

2008-05-14 Thread Harold MacDonald
Sure sounds like Scurvy;a lack of Vitamin C. This was the bane of sailors in the early days.One of the symptoms of scurvy was the blood vessels getting so weak and thin they leaked blood.Internal Haemorrhaging [Spell ?].There were other symptoms too,ie,teeth falling out. Some of the ships

CSCs: Salt mix: Nebulized CS

2008-05-07 Thread Harold MacDonald
For those who are unable to use salt[which is very important],it could be that the ratio of salt to Potassium is out of balance.It is critical that they be in balance. I get pure potassium chloride[99.9%] and Celtic sea salt from my HFStore and mix them 1/2 and 1/2 .This does not affect the

CSCS: Blood pressure

2008-05-06 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have had high blood pressure for years;according to the Medical peoples' figures.I'm now 84 years old and feel fine. Last time I checked,at a drug store machine,it was 176/84.I agree with Wayne,you own body should be the one to determine what is right for you.I have had a BP cuff for 30+

CSCS: cooking in nebulizer

2008-05-06 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have been using a nebulizer for a number of years now and the only thing I've seen is,if it sits for a long time without being used and the CS mix evaporates,it leaves an efflorescent residue on the neb.transducer.This is easily brushed off.Since I got it,I have never had to go to the Dr

CSCS: Morgellons

2008-04-14 Thread Harold MacDonald
A few snippets from the latest Natural News bulletin. (NaturalNews) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has given care giant Kaiser Permanente over $300,000 to test and interview 150 to 500 patients suffering from Morgellons Disease. The study will be done in northern California where many

CSCS: Rumsfelds' disease/Aspartame

2008-04-09 Thread Harold MacDonald
Google Dr. Janet Starr Hull for a lot of info re same This Aspartame nearly put me over the edge. Harold -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post, address your message to:

Re: CSCS: Hepatitus C and CS

2008-04-05 Thread Harold MacDonald
More re treatment for Hep.C from News Target quote; Fortunately, there is also good news: there are at least three excellent inexpensive supplements that can be used for hepatitis. First of all, an aqueous extract of the oleander plant commonly called oleander soup made according to the

CSRe CS: Distilled H2O and minerals for pH

2008-04-05 Thread Harold MacDonald
I use approx. 35 to 45 drops of Mineral concentrace depending on the gallon size,ie Imperial gallon [160 oz.],45 drops. US gallon , [128 0z] 35 drops. 4 liter size[140 oz approx.] 40 drops. PS: I have all those size jugs,clear glass. Then I use an Aquarium pH tester to check for reading ,up to

CSRe CS: Concentrace for pH for DW

2008-04-05 Thread Harold MacDonald
The one I use is by Mineral Resources International PO box 190,Roy , Utah,. USA,84067 www.concensea.com My local HF store carries it. Name on bottle; Health Solutions ConcenTrace -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are

CSCS: Hepatitus C and CS

2008-04-03 Thread Harold MacDonald
An excerpt from Natural News re; The Hepatitus Epidemic and Natural Remedies That Can Help Quote; Fortunately, there is also good news: there are at least three excellent inexpensive supplements that can be used for hepatitis. First of all, an aqueous extract of the oleander plant commonly

CSCS re Off topic subjects

2008-03-25 Thread Harold MacDonald
Please take off topic posts to the off topic list.It is getting out of hand and time consuming for those who are basically only interested in CS/EIS. Harold -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

CS BB size

2008-03-24 Thread Harold MacDonald
If I remember correctly,a BB is approx .17 inches caliber.Look at a .22 cal. cartridge and go down to .17 inches for comparison. Fairly small for a lump,I would say. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:


2008-03-12 Thread Harold MacDonald
Forgive me,but,I have to jump in now re the use of the word nauseaus Being married to a top school teacher for nearly 60 years,and she learned[!] me good. I frequently see the word Naseaus being mis-used Nausea; to use; I feel nausea coming on .I am nauseated.If I eat that I will be

CSRe: CS My notable use of CS

2008-03-07 Thread Harold MacDonald
I am well into my 80s, and up until I was able to get,then make CS/EIS and use it,there were two things that I suffered with the most and all the regular Drs. meds did not stop them.One was Jock itch/Athletes foot,and under arm infections[rough stuff!].All the bathing and showering did nothing

CSCS: Maple Leaf coins/nasal spray

2008-03-03 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have used M.L.coins from the get go and I'm sure they will last a life-time.I use a home-made Xformer ,rectified to 37Volts DC and buffered with a capacitor which smooths it out to 42VDC. I posted my recipe for a nasal spray which consisted of CS,MSM,Xylitol,DMSO and H2O2.Using the procedure

CSRe: CS: Phosphatidyilserine/Alz.

2008-03-02 Thread Harold MacDonald
Having been thru. using PS and many others,with limited success,I would recommend you try her with mega doses of Krill oil, in caps,the new ones. [from Dr.Mercola;I have no relationship with him other than as a customer].Also large doses of Vitamin D3,2000 to 3000 IU s/day. Selenium,100

Fw: CSHave symptoms, need possible causes and solutions!

2008-02-26 Thread Harold MacDonald
I am positive this will be of help to others too, Harold - Original Message - From: Harold MacDonald har...@telus.net To: Heidrun Beer hb...@sgmt.at Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 1:38 PM Subject: Re: CSHave symptoms, need possible causes and solutions! You are describing exactly

CSCS: Coconut oils/butter mix

2008-02-22 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have used Tropical Traditions for a few years now and find it very good.In the past C. oils were not good tasting,but theirs is very nice,almost no flavour to speak of.I also use Fresh Shores from Dr. Mercola.I can't tell the difference. A good way to get it in the diet is in making modified

CSCS: re Citric acid.

2008-02-20 Thread Harold MacDonald
Many years agoI read an exerpt from a reliable source that advised against Citric acid.Since then I read labels and shun products that include it.I was convinced by the article. Now,my diet is approx. 75% raw fruits and veggies.I try to make my plate look like a rainbow.I do have a small bit

CSCS: Blue man/ lemon juice

2008-02-19 Thread Harold MacDonald
The Oprah show was sure a letdown, from dullsville.I was hoping for some discussion re pros and cons of CS/EIS . Lemon juice; The info I have read from experts in this field say; yes,lemon is acidic in form,but when ingested it is altered by the body and presents as an Alkaline ash that aids

CSCS: Nebulizer,how it works

2008-02-13 Thread Harold MacDonald
A simple explanation; A nebulizer is an ultra-sonic vibrator that basically whips the liquid into a fine vapor.It is NOT boiled as that would distill the CS,etc. out of it. Mine is a Solaray cool- mist humidifier and it is price-less to me. Just make sure the solution you use is right because

Re: CSkidney stones

2008-02-10 Thread Harold MacDonald
- Original Message - From: jlgregel To: silver-list@eskimo.com Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 3:04 PM Subject: CSkidney stones To Lin; and others re Kidney stones. . I would advise him to get pH test strip paper for testing pH of urine and saliva.His systems

CSRe Silver coins

2008-02-07 Thread Harold MacDonald
I got my Canadian Maple Leaf coins from a Currency Exchange dealer.Look in yellow pages. - Original Message - From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 5:38 AM Subject: silver-digest Digest V2008 #88 -- The Silver List is a

CSCS:re Sciatica /infection?could be!

2008-01-28 Thread Harold MacDonald
This is from The New York Times by John O'Neil.Approx. ten years or so ago. The following info is from that article I saved when trying to get my Drs. interested in this protocol;to no avail. Quote: Researchers at the Royal Orthopedic Hospital in Birmingham,England,have found that many

CSRe: CS: off topic posts

2008-01-26 Thread Harold MacDonald
I am well into my 80s now and have spent many years and much Dinero looking for all the answers,of which I have found many.These off topic ones.and links, have given me answers and insights which I find invaluable. To the Newbies,for CS,jump in and ask,we're only too happy to help.As for the

CSCS re Ourhealthco-op

2008-01-22 Thread Harold MacDonald
http://www.ourhealthcoop.com/ I have been a member of this co-op since 2001,almost from the start .I have found their products to be every bit as good as many others I use/try.AND,there is no doubt their prices are as good or far better than most. There is no cost to join. They assure you

Re: CSForst batch failure,Me too!

2008-01-22 Thread Harold MacDonald
About a month ago I did almost the same thing,except for the headache.Mine was a small emergency. Then I finally remembered, the batch [2 US quarts]had run about 10 hours over ,and it looked OK until I put a few drops of 35% H2O2 in it ,then it went the same milky white .I've let some of it

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