CSCS site

2005-03-23 Thread TC
I recently visited a very professional looking site, This website made a big distinction between “true colloidal silver” and ionic silver. Why was this important? Because, “All ionic silver will turn into silver chloride once inside the body…”

CSCODEX response

2005-03-23 Thread TC
I have been, for some time, pondering the idea of putting together a website called Alt Health Info or something like that, that contains all of the health information articles I send to folks, plus the other 900+ articles I have assembled (plus the constantly growing additions). This site would

CSkids with skin peeling

2005-03-23 Thread TC
You mentioned cold sores or canker sores. Both these respond to generous quantities (5-10,000 mg/day) of lysine, an amino acid. I buy mine from a pharmaceutical supply house, much better price than any HF store. It has a very mild, slightly tangy taste, dissolves into any liquid, can be taken on


2005-03-23 Thread TC
Mike Devour said, I believe that's Frank Key's Mesosilver site. I have read other things by Frank that were intelligent and balanced. The type of marketing that I found on his site (My product is the only good one! Everyone else's is bad stuff being sold by crooks!) was very disappointing. I


2005-03-23 Thread TC
A woman called me the other day to order some CS. She said she had had MS for twoyears. She wasn't crippled, but had a fair amount of pain. Her father (who buys CS from me in 3-gallon quantities) gave her a gallon of CS. Over the course of the next month, she drank the gallon. By the end of the

CSSilver allergy; silver-resistent bacteria

2005-03-19 Thread TC
I have only had one case of genuine silver allergy reaction from anyone ingesting my CS in the last five years. A woman who worked for a company that provided products to 300 HF stores here in Canada asked me to send her a sample of my CS. When she got it, she drank a teaspoon. Within hours, her

CScalciums, etc.

2005-03-15 Thread TC
Louise said, “The body can not absorb alkaline calcium, sorry for your illusion about that. the body needs an acid base to absorb calcium, Best to take calcium Citrate for that effect.” First off, anytime you take calcium it will go into an acid environment (stomach acid). Secondly, “the body

CSThe water debate

2005-03-14 Thread TC
The statement Ernie made about there not seeming to be any real science behind the various claims about which water is better than which goes to the heart of the matter. Most everyone agrees that water that is full of chemicals or pathogens would not be good for you. After that, the controversy


2005-03-13 Thread TC
What are all ya'll going to do in August of this year when NONE of your dire predictions come to pass? (Can you say Y2K?) I'm not sure what August has to with it, but the above question seems to reflect a dubious attitude towards the validity of the CODEX thing. Do you have any specific

CSCODEX article

2005-03-07 Thread TC
Regarding the article on: This article seemed very slippery to me, minimizing points with dangerous potential and ignoring others. “Vitamins and minerals are not under the gun. [Like CS?] Dietary supplements are. [Like herbs? What’s the

CSCancer and pH

2005-03-06 Thread TC
I tried to let this one pass, but couldn't. Someone said, Very best of all: Ph Testing. If Acid - very prone to Cancer onset. If Alkaline, no Cancer. MOST people over 40 years old are acid pH, but I wouldn't say that most of them have or will acquire cancer. Most of these acid pH folks are acid


2005-03-06 Thread TC
You wrote about minerals and our body's bank account. Are you familiar with Liquimins concentrace Trace Mineral Drops? If yes, do you recommend this as a daily supplement? I recommend this product to all my clients. 85% of my clients report a noticeable change within 24 hours of


2005-03-05 Thread TC
In my last post about pH, one sentence ended abruptly, unfinished. It went like this, but should have finished like this: Not much reaction, not much energy released because of the unequal ratio between the two. I hope that dispells any confusion.

CSpH testing

2005-03-04 Thread TC
I do pH testing for all my clients, have done so since 1984. What is tested is urine and saliva. After testing every substance in/from/on a human body, Dr. Carey Reams found that the specific dynamics he was looking for were duplicated in urine and saliva. Although every single person I have

CSmy last pH post

2005-03-04 Thread TC
Sol said, My understanding is that the blood alkalinity is maintained by the body excreting excess acid in the urine. Therefore the blood is alkaline, but the urine is acid. I have read that alkaline urine means the blood/body is therefore too alkaline, which is as harmful as too acid. People with

CScathode/anode question

2005-02-20 Thread TC
I recently set up a small cd brewer in a quart jar with two silver wires, and allowed it to cook until one of the wires was gone. The purpose of this exercise was to determine conclusively which wire dissolved and which one didn't, so I could use a silver wire and a stainless steel one (and not be

CSLate breaking news

2005-02-16 Thread TC
Apparently a high school teacher has been arrested in Washington D.C. He was in possession of a compass, a protractor and a straight edge. The police claim he is a member of the Al Gebra movement, a group known for terrorizing students, and was charged with possessing Weapons of Math


2005-02-13 Thread TC
In the current discussion of allergies, you may find this helpful. From Nutritional Insights: FOOD SENSITIVITIES: Probably more than half the people in this country experience food allergies/sensitivities to one degree or another. Actually, the term, food allergies is a misnomer, because the


2005-02-12 Thread TC
I haven't been on the List for some time, being caught up in single-parenting, running my business, etc. I received a phone call yesterday from a woman who had struggled with MS for several years, it worsening progressively as time went on. She had pretty much given up on doctors when a friend of

CS4 cc?

2004-09-27 Thread TC
Richard said: The CS is already made and at the end of generating, I add 4 cc H2O2 3% Can you convert 4 cc to oz for me? __ Post your free ad now! -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for

CScontaminated CS

2004-09-16 Thread TC
Don't you just hate it when you accidently hit the 'Enter' key and send your email before you have even finished with it? I was just about to say that, if there was more than a teeny chance of any risk with making or using CS, the pharmaceutical Industry would have advertised that fact to death.

CSrejected email

2004-09-01 Thread TC
If you have the email address: mswla1...@... contact me directly, the file I sent you was rejected. Terry Chamberlin __ Post your free ad now! -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing

CSCS info file

2004-08-31 Thread TC
This has been unexpected, but fun. So far, I have received 48 requests for the 50-article CS zip file! Only two emails have been rejected. One has the address of creativeresour...@, the other one may have gone through on the second try, it was raboeli...@... If either of these are your email

CSsilver-copper bar

2004-08-30 Thread TC
This seems like the easies way to keep your pool/hot tub clean (of bugs). __ Post your free ad now! -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

CSQuick riches revisited

2004-08-25 Thread TC
Several folks on the list contacted me directly concerning my recent $34,000 check, either wondering if I had cheated myself out of a good money-making opportunity, or wanting to know how they could help me. One question was, how did I conclude that this was a scam? For starters, the company