CS>Moderna :We're "rewriting the genetic code"- from their own words

2021-10-29 Thread pal joey
He let's the cat out of the bag at min 5:16, when asked if it will work. Its an experiment, and they don't know the outcome for 100 million people. https://youtu.be/FU-cqTNQhMM

CS>Modernas " software of life" (killing thousands)

2021-10-29 Thread pal joey

CS>Deaths and injuries from the experimental gene therapy are rising rapidly

2021-10-28 Thread pal joey
https://youtu.be/SZFMyzfZQXk Tucker has a guest who is investigating; he says normally the alarm would be sounded, but in this case, its being kept quiet, so far. Lots of cardio incidents.

CS>This would explain our resident Zombie

2021-10-28 Thread pal joey
Predicted by a French scientist, the clotshots have substances that are used to control the brains of the recipients. (Notice the relentless parroting of tele-programming, the projections, false accusations, and threats) https://youtu.be/mav2dZqQOcE

CS>FDA votes to inject children with experimental gene therapy to find out if its safe. THEIR OWN UNDENIABLE WORDS

2021-10-27 Thread pal joey

CS>Looks like Fauci and Friends gave all the EGT CLOTSHOT victims - AIDS

2021-10-27 Thread pal joey
Yes AIDS, AQUIRED IMMUNE-DEFICIENCY . I observed him back in the 80-90s, when HIV was blamed for all the "mysterious " illness, like Karposis Sarcoma, which is really caused by Amyl nitrate, knicknamed "poppers", that gays liked to use to dilate their colons at orgies. Fauci and friends

CS>Link for "democracy " compilation

2021-10-26 Thread pal joey
https://youtu.be/_fHfgU8oMSo fun starts at :55

CS>When someone says "our democracy " thats all i need to hear

2021-10-26 Thread pal joey
The fun starts, mainly at min :55. A compilation of the brainwash at 5, by our trusted news anchors.

CS>When someone says, "our democracy" , thats all I need to know

2021-10-26 Thread pal joey
https://youtu.be/_fHfgU8oMSo a Constitutional Republic cannot be a d___y, no matter how many times that made up bullshit is regurgitated.

CS>Making a ceramic clay pot water filter with added colloidal silver

2021-10-23 Thread pal joey
Thought you guys make like this. I'm trying to get better prepped for possible disruptions. I saw mention earlier, that the usual state maintenance services are in disarray due to sick, poor morale, quitting over the buck fiden mandates, and more. Which means, the road clearing we've come to

CS>Idaho Doctor: 20 times increase in cancers, and other illness in vaccinated

2021-10-22 Thread pal joey
https://mobile.twitter.com/ToTheLifeboats/status/1430589141344034816?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1430589141344034816%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1__url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.godlikeproductions.com%2Fforum1%2Fmessage4909435%2Fpg1 the EGT screws up your natural killer cells, for

CS>Re bioweapons

2021-10-22 Thread pal joey
My theory on Demonrat activities, are that the worst of the worst have infiltrated their party, and their agenda is to infiltrate and subvert every traditional American institution and culture, in order to undermine, and demoralize the People, so they can have their NWO. In each and every

CS>Fauci the long suffering medical advisor is MAD!

2021-10-21 Thread pal joey
https://en-volve.com/2021/10/21/fauci-is-furious-as-nih-admits-he-lied-we-did-fund-gain-of-function-at-wuhan-lab/ I mean FURIOUS! He's about to have a Conyption! Everything was going so well; but uh oh, the other mad scientists got nervous; now look.

CS>Experimental gene therapy AKA "vaccine " cannot be mandated- here's why

2021-10-21 Thread pal joey

CS>Illegal to mandate an experimental gene therapy, aka "vaccine"

2021-10-21 Thread pal joey
And the experiment will go on for the next year at least. I predict that by that time, there will be so many injuries and deaths, that even the thickest of the thick will have a cause to pause, but I've been surprised by the mob multiple times already, so I could be mistaken.

CS>Whitehouse not mandating clotshot for Staff

2021-10-21 Thread pal joey
The Biden administration is not mandating COVID-19 vaccines for White House staff, press secretary Jen Psaki said Friday. During the White House press briefing Thursday,

CS>Cyndianns heroes don't have to get the gene therapy- check it out

2021-10-20 Thread pal joey

CS>Do not suggest any treatments to anyone

2021-10-20 Thread pal joey
The knucklehead control freaks that occupy management positions and lurk on mail lists (cough, cough) look for opportunities to trap well meaning people, hoping those well meaning people can at least be held up in a way that discredits anything that isn't on the list of their approved poi$on. I

CS>Cyndiann posting fake DOJ articles now

2021-10-20 Thread pal joey
You should stick to accusing everyone of murder; at least we know you're serious, then.

CS>22 year State Trooper quits, tells Governor to kiss his Ass

2021-10-18 Thread pal joey
Hey, Cyndiann, why don't you write to this man, and accuse him of Murder? It might make you feel better.


2021-10-18 Thread pal joey
Two measurements tell me what I need to know about over population and climate change (formally gullible warming, gullible cooling, ozone " pollution", whatever the latest crisis sham, etc) You can fit the world's population in the state of Florida with plenty of

CS>Respiratory therapist blows the whistle

2021-10-17 Thread pal joey
What you seem unable to realize is, that you're the only one who believes your sources, because we've witnessed their deception for years, as well as the fact that we prefer to use better quality treatments than what they insist on offering. I believe that adverse reactions are being covered up,

CS>Making CDS where I buy it

2021-10-17 Thread pal joey
I'm not affiliated with anyone or company, I'm just saying where I got it, and that I'm satisfied with it. If I had more storage area, I'd probably look into more wholesale ingredients. https://waterpureworld.com/

CS>Making CDS

2021-10-17 Thread pal joey
My reason for choosing the CDS made by Andreaskalcker.com is because I can make and store several months supply at once, and I find that its more user-friendly. My experience has been that when "you" become ill all of a sudden with , let's say, the flu, etc, it becomes much more difficult to


2021-10-15 Thread pal joey
I ve done the methods described here re activated sodium clorite and citric or hydrochloric acid to make mms. I used that method for a long time, and finally gave up on it, because it was too harsh. The better method is the hhtp://Andreaskalcker.com, click on the "hacer como" video, you have to

CS>Fauci the long-suffering medical advisor knows about inhaling h202

2021-10-13 Thread pal joey
I'd bet the rent that he knows. But he likes to pretend he doesn't. Such a national treasure.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7308628/

CS>Experimental gene therapy is not a vaccine

2021-10-12 Thread pal joey
Just got back from Walmart, stopped to quiz the clotshot killers about side effects of the clotshot, got a print out about Moderna. They tell you straight up its EUA - Emergency Use Authorization (funny how my keyboard knows that term before I type it) which means its not approved by the FDA,


2021-10-11 Thread pal joey

CS>Who knew? Congress et;al gets ivermectin for covid

2021-10-10 Thread pal joey
https://youtu.be/t7WwDLzG--Y that would explain further, Buck Fidens surprised question to Don Lemon, when he revealed that he, Don lemon got the experimental gene therapy. Min 17:30. "Are you okay?"

CS>Fauci has developed chemically induced AIDS

2021-10-10 Thread pal joey
Fauci first got my attention during the HIV-AIDS pandemic, where I observed how the media presented the info, how bits were promoted and bits were suppressed, and always geared toward raising funding for the NIH, and pharmaceuticals. I lived near, and drove around Washington DC, and observed the


2021-10-10 Thread pal joey
Cyndiann uses the STRAWMAN ARGUMENT repeatedly, by setting up fictional "evidence", so she can knock it down, in order to appear as making the better choice. Its a pretty slick tactic, nearly perfected by liberal Democrats, until people catch on, but usually by then, they're on to some new


2021-10-08 Thread pal joey
Here's something to ponder; we know the difference, and you obviously don't.


2021-10-06 Thread pal joey
Hello Dave, can you elaborate on CDS for Lyme? I do know how to make CDS, following Adreas Kalckers method, but not the protocol for Lyme.

CS>Beware the "vaxx" zombie

2021-10-06 Thread pal joey
Once they get it in them, they scour the landscape for converts. Insults and threats of prison for the unwary are signs of beginning. Many have green or purple hair, and poorly done tattoos, but not all. Masks are often over the mouth, but not the nose. https://www.cdc.gov/cpr/zombie/index.htm

CS>Who's exempt from the clotshot? (Millions)

2021-10-05 Thread pal joey
Millions of "guests ", Congress, Xiden administration, the homeless, just about everyone except "Workers" who foot the bill for their own demise. https://www.bitchute.com/video/RYHgsC08FZsA/


2021-10-04 Thread pal joey
.and the clotshot killers are making billions off of their failed experimental gene therapy. So what is your point ? Now that its common knowledge that the clotshot doesn't prevent covid, but actually invites covid while killing 17,000 and injuring 100,000+ people, only a dumbass would go that


2021-10-04 Thread pal joey
I don't recall if you said you had Lyme, but if thats the case, then I'll just tell about my recent case. I was given doxicycline, then I followed up with oregano oil, something like 10 drops in water, 3x a day, along with a tincture called cryptolepsis, serrazymes from NOW, and this seems to


2021-10-04 Thread pal joey
My use of CS has been inconclusive (to me) I was making gallons of it, and drinking it, with no noticeable relief from hepatitis C. I admit I'm no expert, but I followed all instructions, and tested it, going along for months or years, I've forgotten now, but clearly no improvement. Otoh,

CS>Experimental gene therapy

2021-10-03 Thread pal joey
If I'm mistaken, by calling it gene therapy, I don't mind, since the mad scientists and the rest refuse to be accurate and truthful, let them argue with me, and get the debate started. Its not a vaccine; that much we do know. It's a bioweapon.

CS>Inhaling h202

2021-10-03 Thread pal joey
I learned of the protocol of inhaling h202, from the bill munroe yt videos. I was using this religiously in the early months of the scamdemic. I have the misting bottles that nasal sprays come in. You want the kind that has a removable nozzle. Wash it out thoroughly, and fill approx halfway with


2021-10-03 Thread pal joey
I'm using the language of the clotshot manufacturers. I observed early on , their glowing phrase: "the software of life" (cue Dr Frankenstein yelling at the ceiling) and not "vaccine" at all, until months later, when, I suspect they were getting intense scrutiny, and began to pepper their


2021-10-03 Thread pal joey
Stop calling it a "vaccine" and supporting creepy censorship to hide the injuries and deaths, and going along with FDA SUPPRESSION of true, effective, life saving protocols.


2021-10-02 Thread pal joey
I've just made 2 separate trips to pharmacies, to gather info about the EGT shots, and the first one did print out 7 pages , a couple devoted to side effects and risks. They even mentioned myocarditis, but they also cut it off at pg 7. It did say, you should not get it if you're allergic to


2021-09-30 Thread pal joey
I would agree about Trumps decisions, except he continues to promote the clotshot.

Re: CS>Unemployed for doing the right ?thing?

2021-09-29 Thread pal joey
; > to unemployment benefits, having 'put himself out of work" and not > > being willing or able to produce a vaccination certificate. > > > > He says he chooses death over the life of a lab rat. > > > > Australia today. > Not sure this is the place for legal

CS>Fauci the psychopath

2021-09-28 Thread pal joey
* My brother in law said he knew that he got hiv in 1986. They started him on AZT, and he died in 1990. Psychopath Fauci hyper-aggressively pushed a wildly expensive (and profitable) AIDS drug that actually turbocharged the virus* "This SPIN magazine article from


2021-09-26 Thread pal joey
Hell yes, He made the right decision. I'm seeing some glimmers of hope and light, and we might come through intact, if we stand united. He would be putting himself at risk if he caved. I suggest lawsuits.

CS>If people aren't convinced after this...

2021-09-26 Thread pal joey
Ft Hood Army Flight Surgeon: *Ground pilots and crews w/personnel or munitions.3 pulmonary embolisms within 48 hours of jab.* [link to twitter.com (secure)


2021-09-26 Thread pal joey
Yes, I agree, Trump , for what ever reason; stupidity, greed, whatever, has sold us out. I consider him a problem now, same as the rest. If he would admit that he screwed up, I'd think differently, but he's doubling down. But that doesn't negate the early animosity of the Democrat base. They

CS>Another reason we're divided

2021-09-25 Thread pal joey
Media and vax zombies can't keep their story straight. NIH ENDORSES IVERMECTIN https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33278625/


2021-09-25 Thread pal joey
I mention the Demonrat political machine, and you reply with Exhibit "A"; the Washington Post. Thanks.

CS>Why we're divided

2021-09-24 Thread pal joey
I think the Demonrat political machine was so good at ginning up the hate for DJT and his supporters, that its become an addiction, and a password to be in the "club". Yes, oddly enough, they are pro EGT, aka as "vaccine", but their leadership had a lot to do with that. But I just saw a quote,


2021-09-23 Thread pal joey
One time my son swallowed a quarter, and I called a doctor, asked what should I do? He said, push his nose, see if you get 2 dimes and a nickel. Now my son lives in Las Vegas, I wonder.


2021-09-23 Thread pal joey
Just passing it on. Andreas Kalcker, was a staunch skeptic of mms, but now a big fan, and serious researcher. https://andreaskalcker.com/en/


2021-09-23 Thread pal joey
Be nice; We want to keep her around, to keep her from causing mischief somewhere else. Imagine if she was nursing Grandma.


2021-09-22 Thread pal joey
Yes, so I look at both sides of the debate, and ask myself; who has the motivation to lie, and who has been concealing evidence, and blatantly lying, censoring info, suppressing non toxic treatments, causing deaths and injuries with a product (potentially by force) making billions, and the


2021-09-22 Thread pal joey
Dont you love it when Liars jump past the facts, such as: this "medical procedure" is , according to Modern - until 3 months ago- a set of instructions, or " software of life " , injected as an experiment, - authorized, but not - approved, and does not meet the legal definition and scientific


2021-09-22 Thread pal joey
I was referring to the article that Cyndiann posted. Belfastimes.com , I think.


2021-09-20 Thread pal joey
I clicked on that Irish site. Thanks for nothing. It demands cookies, and gives half a story. Nothing scientific about it. Just a half ass story.


2021-09-20 Thread pal joey
PtCyndiann, Everyone can see you're Dishonest..you need to dial it back a bit

CS>Beware remdesivir

2021-09-19 Thread pal joey
BE WARNED OF THIS DEADLY COMBINATION It took only three days of remdesivir treatments to cause this persons kidneys to shut down completely. According to the family, the nurses kept reiterating "this is the nationwide protocol" when they asked any questions. Vast majority of nurses are mindless


2021-09-18 Thread pal joey
Most us have done the research that compells us to avoid the EGT , and my personal plan is to avoid a visit to the hospital, because my own research tells me that they are mismanaging this entire event. I know that remdesivir is being given to patients with devastating effects. (There now,

CS>Depopulation planned for year( from 2009 doctor interview)

2021-09-17 Thread pal joey

CS>93.5 FM West Virginia panhandle radio " the voice of west Virginia "

2021-09-16 Thread pal joey
I just listened to approx 45 minutes at approx 1:45 , Where it appears they were doing a 180 degree turn back from their usual incessant drumbeat of pro "vaccine ". They hand 3 doctors call in and "spill the facts" about who is really getting and generating the "variants". They're saying it is now


2021-09-15 Thread pal joey
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33113270/ 3rd paragraph down, Cyndiann. The government is telling you with this article, that this is an experiment, and people are not getting the entire risk disclosure, namely that the experiment does make you more susceptible to disease than you were before.


2021-09-15 Thread pal joey
So here they are admitting that the EGT (EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY) Also known as "vaccine" , is an experiment, and you're enrolled in that experiment, and they are advocating that you should understand, that the experiment could make the disease -worse-. And the risk is not a theory, but

CS>And the beat goes on....

2021-09-15 Thread pal joey
Network Ten employee who revealed she has been diagnosed with a 'rare' heart condition after receiving the Pfizer jab, has urged Aussies to still get vaccinated. Hannah Scott took to her Instagram on Wednesday morning to share she was suffering from pericarditis. In a lengthy Instagram post


2021-09-15 Thread pal joey
Really, it comes down to credibility. Because of the corruption I witness from your sources, I don't believe 99 % of what they say. NPR would have us believe that Amish people are winking at each other at the clinic, while getting the clotshot on the sly. But for me, that exemplifies NPR s

CS>Why don't the Amish get "covid"

2021-09-14 Thread pal joey
Because they don't watch TV .


2021-09-10 Thread pal joey
Thats exactly what we've been saying all along; ITS NOT A VACCINE; IT DOESN'T MEET THE DEFINITION OF A VACCINE; ITS AN EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY. DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU CALL IT A VACCINE, ONE MILLION TIMES, ITS AN EXPERIMENT. Until 2-3 months ago, Moderna was calling it "the software of life" .

CS>Just passing it on

2021-09-06 Thread pal joey
there is no antidote for mRNA, Quoting: *No holds barred* Not correct. They know what it does, it hacks into your cells and creates the spiked protein. that can't be stopped except, there are only so many trillions per

CS>Interesting parallel

2021-09-05 Thread pal joey
"Mysterious, Invisible, Threatening, and One to be Feared". Seems like this play has been in town before. Be afraid, get in line, obey the commands, shun non believers, convert the wayward.


2021-08-31 Thread pal joey
I sincerely hope you are correct, because we all have family members who have been duped to take the immune system destroying, experimental gene therapy. (The EGT IS THEIR DESCRIPTION NOT MINE) UP until 2 months ago, Moderna was bragging about it as the "software of life", a mrna set of


2021-08-28 Thread pal joey
Not saying I know this is happening, but there is some talk of some people get a saline shot instead of the real vaccine. And the motive is a guess, but theories include creating a segment of the group that won't have problems, or become magnetized because they got saline. They would then be pro


2021-08-25 Thread pal joey
I think every one has grown tired of the Prima Donna Researcher. Now she demands evidence in written form only.


2021-08-23 Thread pal joey
Anthony Fauci "long suffering clinical advisor".Thanks for the lolololololol! Search: AZT HIV AIDS Fauci, and behold the beginnings of his long suffering rehearsal for this biggest genocidal play in history.


2021-08-22 Thread pal joey
Since everyone who took the experimental gene therapy is a test subject, to the tune of 160 million (even that is probably a lie) test subjects, we all have direct stake in the outcome, since our friends and families will be affected. Since this "software of life" (Modernas pet name) is all so


2021-08-16 Thread pal joey
They are laughing at the vaccinated. Its been a scam the entire time; a flu virus , treatable with what we know already, and also listed in the NIH Archives, for anyone to see. Here's one doctor who can't control herself; thinks its hysterical.


2021-08-15 Thread pal joey
Too late, Cyndiann; too many cases show that the clotshot aka "vaccine " , doesn't prevent new infection, but does show that it undermines your immune system, as well as blood disorders. You should get the d-dimer test, and tell us the results. Then, you might get help. I bet no one here takes


2021-08-13 Thread pal joey
"WE'RE LEARNING AS WE GO" And that is precisely why thinking people aren't jumping at the chance to be experimented on. That should be the headline on the photo of that poor woman who had both legs amputated, and both her hands are black, as they are dead tissue, all from blood clots. Go


2021-08-11 Thread pal joey
I think by now, all of us can see thats its pointless to try and school our resident brainwashed victim. No method of reaching a conclusion is going to be good enough.We're already hearing from the vax zombies, that a "wait and see", "err on the side of caution",


2021-08-07 Thread pal joey
Cyndiann, I'm not going to pull any punches here. Based on my understanding of the facts, everyone got this injection now has a potentially chronic and life threatening condition. I'll just say, that your time would be better spent researching tools to counter that condition. Even if you're


2021-08-04 Thread pal joey
My experience with vitamin C: I've learned to use titrating to bowel tolerance any time I get the "flu", etc. In 25 years, it has never failed to get good results. The infection is there, but does not result in full illness, and doesn't progress to secondary infections. Vitamin c has a direct


2021-07-30 Thread pal joey
Another cure for covid. Some background: I took harvoni 7 years ago and cured hepatitis c . Back then, pharma was charging $80,000 (yes, thats correct) to insurance companies and doctors, although it was known you could get it in Egypt for $900. There were no side effects, that I was aware of.


2021-07-30 Thread pal joey
Doctors reporting their own adverse reactions to the experimental gene therapy aka "vaccine " https://www.medscape.com/sites/public/covid-19/vaccine-insights/how-concerned-are-you-about-vaccine-related-adverse-events


2021-07-30 Thread pal joey
Let's see...the public listens to machevali stream media, machevali stream media listens to the CDC, and what do we get? https://www.bitchute.com/video/wgNxskRFR788/ (would be funny if not so tragic)


2021-07-29 Thread pal joey
Cindiann, I don't think you're really reading the articles that you try and link to. Half of them are dead-ends, and most are just disinformation, and hit pieces , reminiscent of Quackwatch (what ever happened to that _?) Or, your comprehension is very low. Most of

CS>This may explain her presence. A stipulation of Pfizer contract with govs is, no other treatments are allowed to be suggested.

2021-07-27 Thread pal joey

CSMMS and Church

2014-10-31 Thread pal joey
Please widen your focus Folks, and learn about Church and State relationships before you pontificate of the merits or demerits of forming a church, which Jim Humble has done. It is done to ward off attacks by the State, because laws protect practice of religion. Therefore, stating what you