MMS-related topics, PART 3 (of 6)
[This is the continuation of an email from October 2002]

[NENAH: Finally, from yet another company:]
While chlorine dioxide ClO2 has chlorine in its name, chlorine dioxide's chemistry is different than that of chlorine. Unlike the more common chlorine, chlorine dioxide is non-mutagenic, non-carcinogenic, and relatively non-irritating. ClO2 for example, when exposed to water does not form hydrochloric acid as does chlorine, nor does it combine with organics to form chlorinated hydrocarbons, which are carcinogenic. One atom can make all the difference. Similarly, hydrogen is an explosive gas. But when combined with oxygen, it becomes dihydrogen oxide -- commonly known as water (H2O).
Chlorine dioxide, above a certain concentration, deactivates microorganisms by breaking up the bacterial cell wall, or, in the case of viruses, by loosening the viral envelope. This disinfecting action occurs immediately upon exposure.

Because animal cells do not have cell walls analogous to those in microorganisms, human tissue is not affected by the same action. For this reason, ClO2 is safe for use in drinking water as well as for application to the skin. The safety of chlorine dioxide is confirmed by extensive testing, including many studies performed by the EPA.

[NENAH: I am aware that testing by United States government agencies such as the EPA or the FDA does not necessarily prove the safety of products.]

Chlorine dioxide, in addition, oxidizes and thereby inactivates reactive molecules called cytokines which are released by the body into a wound or injury. Neutralization of these compounds stops pain and irritation, whether in a burn, wound, bee bite or periodontal pocket. By the same mechanism, ClO2 neutralizes other unwanted substances, such as the volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) that are produced in the mouth and cause bad breath. Because of this unusual combination of properties, a surprising number of applications for DioxiCare exist. Frontier has developed products for Oral Care, Wound Care, Treatment of Skin Diseases, and General Disinfection.

[NENAH: Here is perhaps one of the most important pieces of information.]

Stabilized chlorine dioxide is a misleading term that is unfortunately in widespread use. There are only trace amounts of chlorine dioxide in "stabilized chlorine dioxide." The correct description of this is stabilized chlorite. The chlorite is stabilized with a buffer and peroxide at a pH of about 7. Though chlorite, or stabilized chlorite, is also an oxidizing agent, it is not nearly as powerful as chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide, unlike chlorite, is a gas. *****end of excerpts*****

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