Rife Obit

The Daily California
El Cajon, California, Wednesday, August 11, 1971
Scientific Genius Dies;
Saw work Discredited
The scientific genius who built one of the world's most powerful microscopes 
and invented a machine to treat cancer and other diseases was buried today 
in Mt. Hope Cemetery.

Royal Raymond Rife,  83, whose Frequency Instrument - a method of 
electrocuting disease-causing organisms int he body - was the subject of 
intense debate during the 1950's, died Thursday at Grossmont Hospital of a 
heart attack.
Alone and virtually penniless, he had been living in an El Cajon rest home 
since last year.
Acclaimed by the scientific world in the 1930's for his invention of the 
Universal Microscope, a mechanical marvel containing 5,280 parts and a 
magnifying power 20 times as great as any then in existence, Rife lived to 
see some fo what he considered his most important work discredited by the 
medical profession.
The Frequency Instruments, used by some doctors across the United States in 
treating a variety of diseases, were confiscated. Reputation were ruined and 
one of Rife's associates served three years in prison before winning a 
reversalof his conviction on grand theft charges.
Though Rife himself was not prosecuted, his reputation was sullied and he 
clung to the suspicion that organized medicine had conspired against him in 
his efforts to rid mankind of the scourge of disease.
"Having spent every dime I earned in my research for the benefit of mankind, 
I have ended up as a pauper, but I acchieved the impossible and would do it 
again," Rife said in an affidavit filed at the time his friend and 
associate, John Crane, was appealing his conviction.
He accused the American Medical Assn. of rejecting his electronic therapy 
discoveries and implied the organization had "brainwashed and intimimated" 
his colleagues as well as "feloniously censored" the publication of his 
"I certify that the AAA and the Department of Public Health have declared 
war on Rife's Virus Microscope Institute," said the affidavit signed Feb 7, 
Rife built his microscope, one of five he invented, so he could actually see 
disease viruses and observe their activity, a triumph which astounded 
scientists at the time.
>From his obervations, Rife developed the theory that every micro-organism 
has a "mortal oscillatory rate" - a point at which it will shatter or break 
apart when bombarded by sound waves.
He had conceived the idea of electronic therapy as early as 1922, but it was 
not until 1934 in the Ellen Scripps home near La Jolla that he was ready to 
demonstrate "Rife's Ray."
Sixteen patients with incurable diseases were treated by physicians with 
Rife's Ray in a clinical test of the machine supervised by Dr. Milbark 
Johnson of Los Angeles.
The claim was made that 14 of the 16 patients were pronounced "clinically 
cured" by the medical staff within 70 days and the remaining two patients 
were discharged after, three months of treatment.
"Having spent every dime I earned in my research for the benefit of mankind, 
I have ended up as a pauper, but I acchieved the impossible and would do it 
again," Rife said in an affidavit filed at the time his friend and 
associate, John Crane, was appealing his conviction.
He accused the American Medical Assn. of rejecting his electronic therapy 
discoveries and implied the organization had "brainwashed and intimimated" 
his colleagues as well as "feloniously censored" the publication of his 
"I certify that the AAA and the Department of Public Health have declared 
war on Rife's Virus Microscope Institute," said the affidavit signed Feb 7, 
Rife built his microscope, one of five he invented, so he could actually see 
disease viruses and observe their activity, a triumph which astounded 
scientists at the time.
>From his obervations, Rife developed the theory that every micro-organism 
has a "mortal oscillatory rate" - a point at which it will shatter or break 
apart when bombarded by sound waves.
He had conceived the idea of electronic therapy as early as 1922, but it was 
not until 1934 in the Ellen Scripps home near La Jolla that he was ready to 
demonstrate "Rife's Ray."
Sixteen patients with incurable diseases were treated by physicians with 
Rife's Ray in a clinical test of the machine supervised by Dr. Milbark 
Johnson of Los Angeles.
The claim was made that 14 of the 16 patients were pronounced "clinically 
cured" by the medical staff within 70 days and the remaining two patients 
were discharged after, three months of treatment.
In the next 20 years, Rife perfected his machine - later to be called the 
Frequency Instrument - and about 100 of them, were in use by physicians in 
various parts of the world.
Affidavits are on file in the courts from patients who claim they were cured 
of cancer, butterfly lupus - a skin ailment -and other diseases after 
treatment with the Frequency Instrument.
Scientists and physicians also claimed success with Rife's invention. One of 
his closest collaborators was Dr. Arthur Kendall professor of bacterology at 
Northwestern University Medical School, who wrote that he had observed 
successful treatment of a tumor on a man's cheek.
E. L. Walker of the George Williams Hooper Foundation, an early-day cancer 
research organization, hailed the device for its effectiveness against 
typhoid organisms.

THIS CONTROVERSIAL MACHINE, known as "Rife's Ray" and invented in the 30's 
by San Diego scientist Royal Rife, was used to treat a variety of diseases, 
including cancer, tuberculosis, lupus and leprosy before it was confiscated 
and declared "useless" by the State Department of Public Health. Some 
physicians and patients who used the machine, demonstrated in picture by 
John Crane who was Rife's associate, claimed it cured diseases by 
electrocuting micro-organisms responsible for the ailments.
"If' the ray should prove equally efficient in killing other pathogenic 
micro-organisms," he wrote to Johnson, "it would be the greatest discovery 
in the history of therapeutic medicine."
      Royal Raymond Rife
Another devout believer in electronic therapy was Dr. Robert Stafford of 
Dayton, Ohio, who said the machine had cured some of his patients and 
relieved others of distress.
But when the State Department of Public Health held its hearing in 1958 to 
determine if the Frequency Instrument should be approved as a treatment 
device, all claims in its behalf were rejected.
The hearing board said clinical research "provided no reasonable 
substantiated evidence of the effectiveness of the Frequency Instrument, 
consisting primarily of unverified testimonials of physicians and patients .
It concluded that the Frequency Instrument was "a useless device."
Though he held no medical degree, Rife studied optics for seven years in New 
York and Heidelberg, Germany, and performed more than 50,000 experiments in 
his research laboratory. He was always feferred to in medical journals as 
"Dr. Rife, believed to be a title conferred by an honorary degree.
His interests extended in many directions. He was talented musician, and 
ardent sportsman and at the time of his death still held a speedboat racing 
Embittered by his treatment from the medical profession, Rife turned to 
religion after a bout with alcohol and became a member of the Baha'i Fath.
Before his death he offered some of his thoughts to a friend and told her: 
"The most important thing I ever did was build a microscope."


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