I recall one horrified member of one list who, during a discussion on natural salts as opposed to 'normal' table salt (stripped of useful minerals, heated, and otherwise abused) wrote in to say there was fluoride in Himalayan salt, so he would absolutely not be using that.

From memory, I think the 'natural' one is fluorine, not fluoride, and is of course in its natural, original form.


Wikipedia: Fluorine is the chemical element with symbol F and atomic number 9. It is the lightest halogen and has a single stable isotope, fluorine-19. At standard pressure and temperature, fluorine is a pale yellow gas composed of diatomic molecules, F2. Fluorine is the most electronegative element. It is also the most reactive of all the elements, requiring great care in handling. The compounds of fluorine are called fluorides............... In Earth's crust, fluorine is the thirteenth-most abundant element. Fluorine's most important mineral, fluorite, was first formally described in 1529 in the context of smelting. The mineral's name derives from the Latin verb fluo, meaning "flow", because fluorite was added to metal ores to lower their melting points. Suggested as a chemical element in 1811, fluorine was named after the source mineral. The dangerous element resisted many attempts to isolate it, but in 1886, French chemist Henri Moissan succeeded. His method of electrolysis remains the industrial production method for fluorine gas............................ The largest use of elemental fluorine, uranium enrichment, was developed during the Manhattan Project.The largest uses of inorganic fluorides are steel making and aluminium refining. Organofluorides tend to have high chemical and thermal stability. The largest commercial use is in refrigerant gases; even though traditional chlorofluorocarbons are banned, the replacements still contain fluorine. ....................... A growing fraction of modern pharmaceuticals contain fluorine; Lipitor and Prozac are prominent examples.

Fluorine is the thirteenth most common element in Earth's crust, comprising between 600 and 700 ppm of the crust by mass. Because of its reactivity, it is usually found as fluoridated compounds. Three minerals exist that are industrially relevant sources: fluorite, fluorapatite, and cryolite.[39][40]

Fluorite (CaF2), also called fluorspar, is the main source of commercial fluorine. Fluorite is a colorful mineral associated with hydrothermal deposits. It is common and found worldwide. China supplies more than half of the world's demand; Mexico is the second-largest producer. The United States produced most of the world's fluorite in the early 20th century, but its last mine, in Illinois, shut down in 1995.[40][41][42][43]

Fluorapatite (Ca5(PO4)3F) is mined along with other apatites for its phosphate content and is used mostly for production of fertilizers. Most of the Earth's fluorine is bound in this mineral, but because the percentage within the mineral is low (3.5%), the fluorine is discarded as waste. Only in the United States is there significant recovery. There the hexafluorosilicates produced as byproducts are used to supply water fluoridation.[40]

Cryolite (Na3AlF6) is the least abundant of the three but is a concentrated source of fluorine. It was formerly used directly in aluminium production. However, the main commercial mine, on the west coast of Greenland, closed in 1987.[40]

Progress in isolating the element was slowed by the exceptional dangers of generating fluorine: several 19th century experimenters, the "fluorine martyrs", were killed or blinded.[note 4] Initial attempts to isolate the element were also hindered by material difficulties: the extreme corrosiveness and reactivity of hydrogen fluoride (and of fluorine gas) as well as problems getting a suitable conducting liquid for electrolysis.[49][58] ..................

However, recent studies showed no difference in the frequency of caries (cavities) amongst teeth that were pre-fluoridated to different degrees. Current thinking is that fluoride prevent cavities primarily by helping teeth that are in the very early stages of tooth decay to regrow tooth enamel. In any case, it is only the fluoride that is directly present in the mouth (topical treatment) that prevents cavities. Fluoride ions that are swallowed do not benefit the teeth.[111] ..............

Although the best available evidence shows no association with adverse effects other than dental fluorosis, most of which is mild,[115] water fluoridation has been contentious for ethical, safety, and efficacy reasons........................

About 20% of modern pharmaceuticals contain fluorine

Several inhaled anesthetics, including the most common ones, are heavily fluorinated. The first fluorinated anesthetic, halothane, proved to be much safer (neither explosive nor flammable) and longer-lasting than those previously used.............................

Owing to its lesser chemical dissociation in water (remaining a neutral molecule), hydrogen fluoride penetrates tissue more quickly than typical acids. Poisoning can occur readily through the skin or eyes or when inhaled or swallowed. Once in the blood, hydrogen fluoride reacts with calcium and magnesium, resulting in electrolyte imbalance (potentially hypocalcemia). The consequent cardiac arrhythmia may be fatal.[150] Formation of insoluble calcium fluoride also causes strong pain.[151] Burns with areas larger than 160 cm2 (25 in2), about the size of a man's hand, can cause serious systemic toxicity.[152]

Historically, most cases of fluoride poisoning have been caused by accidental ingestion of insecticides containing inorganic fluoride,[162] Currently, most calls to poison control centers for possible fluoride poisoning come from the ingestion of fluoride-containing toothpaste.[159] Malfunction of water fluoridation equipment has occurred several times, including an Alaskan incident which sickened nearly 300 people and killed one.[163]

On 21/08/2013 9:09 AM, Lena Guyot wrote:
> There are two forms of fluoride apparently, good and bad, our, and I would assume all other mains water supplies contain the toxic waste by product of Industry fluoride imported from China

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