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The following page has been changed by JuanMurillo:

      //TODO (Add sections you consider useful to this list)
-     === Embed Tomcat ===
+     '''Embed Tomcat'''
      Embed into James and make it run and deploy by adding a call to its ant 
script in the current and run.bat
-         a. Copy tomcat-embedded to bin
+         * Copy tomcat-embedded to bin
-         b. Copy ant to bin
+         * Copy ant to bin
-         c. Add ant script to bin, it will run minimal tomcat and auto deploy 
the web app
+         * Add ant script to bin, it will run minimal tomcat and auto deploy 
the web app
-         c. Modify run scripts to call the ant script  (Note that ant script 
is the recommended method by the Tomcat team)
+         * Modify run scripts to call the ant script  (Note that ant script is 
the recommended method by the Tomcat team)
-    === Build Core Web Application ===
+   '''Build Core Web Application'''
      Decide on base technologies to be used and create the core components so 
that adding incremental functionality will be simple and modular.
-        a. Build an empty web application
+        * Build an empty web application
-        b. Decide on frameworks if any
+        * Decide on frameworks if any
-        c. Decide on communication system with James server
+        * Decide on communication system with James server
-        d. Decide on page layout and site navigation
+        * Decide on page layout and site navigation
-        e. Build core application components (Controllers, Connectors to 
James, communication syntax, etc)
+        * Build core application components (Controllers, Connectors to James, 
communication syntax, etc)
-     ===Build Administration Commands Section===
+     '''Build Administration Commands Section'''
      Build this section first because it is already built into the Remote 
Manager so would be the simplest point to start from.
-        a.  Decouple Administrations commands from the RemoteManagerHandler 
class and into their own classes following the command pattern.
+        *  Decouple Administrations commands from the RemoteManagerHandler 
class and into their own classes following the command pattern.
-        b.  Build Command calls and result pages for web application.
+        *  Build Command calls and result pages for web application.
-     ===Build Health and Status Monitoring Section===
+     '''Build Health and Status Monitoring Section'''
-     ===Build Configuration Management Section===
+     '''Build Configuration Management Section'''
-     ===Build Cluster / Multiple Instance Management Section===
+     '''Build Cluster / Multiple Instance Management Section'''

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