
I  am new to the list and this is my first message.

I apologize in advance if I am bringing up something that has been already discussed.

I was trying to use the slide client code from cvs to connect to a third party webdav server
and stumbled into an already known issue which I found in bugzilla

32886 : client webdav lib doesn't return child collections using list webdavresources

I could track down the problem to line 1086

char[] childURI = (myURI + (myURI.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/")
                                   + URIUtil.getName(href)).toCharArray();

URIUtil.getName(href) returns a empty string

For e.g

when you do listing of child resources on http://localhost:9090/webdav/testme

and the response element from the dav server returns a response with href like

<multistatus xmlns="DAV:">


The childURI (created on line 1086) is http://localhost:9090/webdav/testme/

instead of  http://localhost:9090/webdav/testme/child

The new url later on gets added to the child resources hashtable, whose key
is determined by getName(httpURL) which gives "testme" as key for all child collections
no matter what

Just changing to getName(href) instead of URIUtil.getName(href) seems to fix the problem

char[] childURI = (myURI + (myURI.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/")
                                   + getName(href)).toCharArray();

- Ashwin

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