hi Carlos!

We have that same problem i europe. But that dll's in windows that handles this encoding are updated when installing other microsoft components like sharepoint portal server client or Microsoft Office. Therefor the default Windows installation does not allways work with utf8 encoding but if I intall microsoft office with latest service pack then the utf8 encoding suddenly works. These dll versions and problems are described here: http://greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/webfolder-client-list.html


----- Original Message ----- From: "Carlos Villegas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Slide Users Mailing List" <slide-user@jakarta.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: non-ASCII chars in resource names (e.g. german umlauts)

I haven't read all the details but if the OS's locale is chinese, then Windows runs with a default double-byte character encoding, not UTF-8. File names from the file explorer will be sent URL encoded but in this double-byte code. Well, the problem is that WebFolders is not consistent and sometimes sends UTF-8 (because Slide responds in UTF-8) or the local encoding and there's no way to reliably detect which encoding Windows is sending. No matter what encoding you set the server to, it won't match all the time. Sometimes the xml header in a WebDAV request clearly specifies UTF-8, however the data itself is encoded in the local double-byte encoding! Well, I'm guessing here for chinese, but the same thing happens in Japanese, Slide doesn't work with Japanese Windows clients because of the above problem. If the local encoding is UTF-8 or UTF-8 compatible like in many European languages then you don't have these problems.

Maybe this explains why.


Jacob Lund wrote:
I do not think it is a OS problem either - it was just to check if slide stored the files correctly.

The only difference between you store configuration and mine it that I have not defined any encoding for the store.

I am not really sure what is going on. Try to use the TcpTrace program from http://www.pocketsoap.com/tcpTrace/ and upload a new file to the slide server - and use a file with these special character in it. The post the PUT header to this list.

Uploading a file called ΓΌ.txt from a webfolder should result in a header looking something like this:

PUT /files/%C3%BC.txt HTTP/1.1
Content-Language: en-us
Accept-Language: da, en-us;q=0.2
Translate: f
Content-Length: 0
User-Agent: Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider DAV
Host: localhost:82
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: JSESSIONID=0E24829787E0D184357F1653ADB8094A
Authorization: Basic cm9vdDpyb290


----- Original Message ----- From: "Lixin Chu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Slide Users Mailing List" <slide-user@jakarta.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: non-ASCII chars in resource names (e.g. german umlauts)

I think it is not the OS problem: when I copy and paste a file (filename
with chinese chars) directly into slide store folder, Explorer shows correct
I suspect that it is slide configuration problem but have no idea where.
Here is partial Domain.xml, thanks for helping !
<store name="tx">
<parameter name="tlock-timeout">120</parameter>
<nodestore classname="
<parameter name="rootpath">store/metadata</parameter>
<parameter name="workpath">work/metadata</parameter>
<parameter name="defer-saving">true</parameter>
<parameter name="timeout">120</parameter>
<parameter name="encoding">UTF-8</parameter>
<sequencestore classname="org.apache.slide.store.txfile.FileSequenceStore">
<parameter name="rootpath">store/sequence</parameter>
<reference store="nodestore"/>
<reference store="nodestore"/>
<reference store="nodestore"/>
<reference store="nodestore"/>
<contentstore classname="org.apache.slide.store.txfile.TxFileContentStore">
<parameter name="rootpath">store/content</parameter>
<parameter name="workpath">work/content</parameter>
<parameter name="defer-saving">true</parameter>
<parameter name="timeout">120</parameter>

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