Hello folks,

Rule 11075 in the gray hosting group has been temporarily suspended.

This is one of our strongest rules which has been in place for more than 500 days.

Microsoft recently began using this service to post an advertising link at the bottom of all of their messages. We have been trying to compensate for this by creating white rules, however the combinations are growing without bounds - particularly where forwarding is concerned - so we are abandoning this rule for the time being.

Due to the rule's strength (> 4.0) there will likely be an increase in spam for a short period while we develop additional black rules to compensate for specific spam associated with this service.

Faced with the choice of creating false positives for all hotmail, or dealing with increased spam as a result of dropping the rule our policy is always to avoid the false positives wherever practical.

I wanted to let everyone know about this since there may be a sudden noticeable change in filtering effectiveness, however short lived we can make it.


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