In the Year 2020……..
A young man in our club is tired of having to wait his turn for his old 2.4 
system to lock on…. He mentions a new product, the latest best thing!  

    72mh with individual channels..

     Just imagine he says, I can fly anytime I want on my own frequency… 

     I just smile….

     I ask him what will he do if someone else has the same frequency… He 
thinks for a minute and says…. Well I’ll just have to share with him, but I can 
still fly half the day compared to the 30 min to an hour I get to fly now on 
2.4… And with having to share my frequency with others maybe I’ll meet a new 
friend :-)
     He has one last question… What's this long piece of wire for, were are the 
satellite receivers and data logger :-))))



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