Along the path investigating yaw control induce drag and efficiency at 
V-tail, I came to realize that single-sided-rudder-fin has benefit from end 
plate effect that doubles the fundamental AR in the Cdi formula. The doubling 
is caused by end plate effect by the horizontal stabilizer. For induce drag 
coefficient, that is 50% Cdi and thus 50% absolute induce drag reduction per 
unit yaw force. However, the improvement is gated by implementation quality. 
For optimal effect, consider a one piece (notch-less) elevator with the 
Rudder TE just ahead of the elevator-hinge. That should result optimal 
"mirror" effect in favor to doubling AR without doubling the profile drag. 
The above thinking also view cross shape "+" tail an inferior choice for 
optimal Cdi. 

Proper arrangement of T and inv-T tails can further optimize yaw efficiency.
Square the rudder rood and position rudder-TE at elevator hinge. 
"+" tail arrangement is not optimal in yaw and pitch efficiency.

YK Chan
Seattle area.
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