I always find your posts interesting.  You create conflicts and concerns about 
topics, thereby getting us thinking.  In this respect you make a valuable 
contribution.  But when you start to attack and belittle people who agree with 
you, well that's Gordy for you.  We expect that of you.  It is your style.  It 
is what creates the "love/hate Gordy" feeling so many people have toward you, 
and we know you love it.
I agreed with  you, that the 500 heili pilots was no proof that you could have 
500 radios on at once.  We don't know how many were on so a critical number may 
never have been reached.  Why?  Because it was not done in any sort of 
organized fashion.  I agreed with you, fool. Silly Gordy!
As to why I suggested YOU should organize a test, Gordy, well you asked the 
question.  That is why YOU should want to do it.    
Gordy, YOU are the guy who is concerned.  And,  YOU are the the one who attends 
so many of these events.  That means YOU are among the few who could do this.  
Or is answering your own questions too much work for YOU?
If you have a question to which you can provide the answer, why not make a 
contribution to the knowledge base rather than just stirring the pot?  I, among 
many here, would be very grateful for the answer. 
Why don't I do it?  Because I am not concerned, at this point.  The chances of 
me being in such a situation in the next 2 years is pretty slim.  If you want 
to whine and wait for me to do it, that is fine.  I am OK with that.  But YOU 
will likely be in such a situation several times this year.  Just contact the 
CD at one of the events you plan to attend and see if they would like to do 
this with you.
Let me even suggest the procedure, to be performed in cooperation with the 
event organizers.  Oh, and by the way, it doesn't have to be a sailplane event, 
just an event with a large number of 2.4 GHz transmitters, preferably with 
mixed brands.  And it would be best, Gordy, if YOU supervised it, as you would 
not accept or trust anything done by anyone else.  And frankly why should you?  
You have the opportunity to do this, where most of us do not.
Here is the test.
Get all the 2.4 pilots to perform a range check on their models, all at the 
same time.  
No one need be in the air, no models need be risked and no one put in danger.
Range check would be to MFG specs, not some absurd distance or in some crazy 
Total time to perform the test?  Probably about 15 minutes 
Then poll the group.  Anyone have a problem?  Anyone fail the range check test? 
If so, then YOU, in cooperation with the CD, could suggest if further 
examination were required.  Or, if problems appeared, then the CD could decided 
if system count pins should be instituded on the spot, for safety sake.  A few 
packs of clothes pins could be kept hand, just in case.
Total cost for the test?  Zero.
Value to the community, high!  Naturally YOU could suggest some extensive test 
procedure, but this would be pretty simple to perform as a first step.  
And best of all, the test was supervised by Gordy, the guy who asked the 
question. If a problem occured, you could be the one who discovered it.  Or you 
can run the test and find this is not a problem and put all our minds at ease.  
What a great opportunity YOU have.
Up to you Gordy.  Wait and wonder, or find the answer for yourself, if you are 
really interested.  Then let us know.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way!  
Ed Anderson
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 03:18:27 EST
> To: Soaring@airage.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: "Jack Benny is 39 and 2.4 is 38?" Thanks for the 
> 'assurances and guesses!"

> Then there is this one: Ed asked :"Why don't you organize a test "
> Why would I? My hobby is to build and fly sailplanes, my job 
> is to sell  beach cleaners. Ed, why don't you ask the suppliers of 2.4 
> stuff to work for their pay? Why haven't you? You post assurances and promote 
> as 
> if you have some cash interest in 2.4. You repeat hearsay about a heli event 
> with 500  pilots and then guess at how many TX's were turned on at the 
> time, using it as some 'proof' that the deal is done. Do you have a clue as 
> to 
> how much parking alone it would take to host 500 pilots? I think before 
> repeating that 'proof' you might want to investigate it instead of just 
> repeating it. 
> I know the source, that doesn't make it valid. Are you going to tell me 
> that less than 40 guys had their TX's on all at once with 500 on the field?
> So far at best 2.4 sort of works, if the install is just right, if the 
> models materials are cooperative and 'should' work fine with 
> other 2.4 systems..as long as their aren't too many TX's on at one 
> time....but no one 
> has come up with control system to protect against or even determine who 
> will be turning on in the pits.

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