what if you were just to animate the ball directly, instead of using a null
parent?  Set keys to animate it through space, while defining it as a
passive RBD,
then animate it being an Active RBD at the point where the ball's last key
is set.

That should work.

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 12:37 PM, David Rivera <
activemotionpictu...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi, I am setting up a really basic rigid body simulation from the toolbar
> (no ICE for the moment).
> And so I just parented a couple of boxes to nulls (legs) and then parented
> those to a thorax null (with corresponding box child)
> I animate these as I need, set the rigid body property page for the boxes
> to "mute".
> I "activate" the rbd for the boxes to collide with the ball at frame 33.
> The ball is child of an animated null. What I´m trying to accomplish is
> that the rbd ball picks up it´s initial velocity
> from the animated null. But this is not happening (or maybe I´m releasing
> (activating the rbd property too close to the boxes) too early).
> Here´s the video:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVQ5V5j6GLQ&feature=youtu.be
> And there´s also an attachment pic explaining this.
> How could I make the ball hit the boxes with initial velocity picked up
> from animation? I´ve read the online
> help for softimage 2012, but I think the ppg picture there it´s outdated
> from 2011 or before..
> Any ideas for this?
> Thanks.
> David R.
> ps: I got no plugins for this. And if this is to be set on ICE, remains to
> be "seen...." :)

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