Yonik Seeley wrote:
+(+text:jame +text:sutherland) +searchSet:testSet
+(+text:james~0.75 +text:sutherland~0.75) +searchSet:testSet

I can tell from the first that this is a stemmed field... "james" is
transformed to "jame"
"James" being the plural of "Jame" according to the stemmer. I guess my mind hadn't run in that direction. :)

I guess I wasn't expecting the fuzzy query logic to bypass the stemming. Would it be correct that if I were to add "james" to the protwords.txt file that this *specific* problem would go away? Obviously there are a significant quantity of proper names where this would have an impact, so a more generic solution is preferable.

So, you could
- index the field twice using copyField, and then do fuzzy queries on
the non-stemmed version. [plus two other good suggestions]
As I look at the field types in the example schema would you recommend something like text_lu without the EnglishPorterFilterFactory, or are there other issues I'm overlooking.

Walter Lewis
(aka Walt Lewi apparently)

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