Contiguous Phrase Highlighting Example

2014-07-17 Thread Teague James
Hi everyone! Does anyone have any good examples of generating a contiguous highlight for a phrase? Here's what I have done: curl http://localhost/solr/collection1/update?commit=true -H Content-Type: text/xml --data-binary 'adddocfield name=id100/fieldfield name=contentblah blah blah knowledge of

Re: Contiguous Phrase Highlighting Example

2014-07-17 Thread Koji Sekiguchi
Hi Teague, If you want phrase-unit tagging for highlighter, you need to use FastVectorHighlighter instead of the ordinary Highlighter. To turn on FVH, set hl.useFastVectorHighlighter=on when querying. In addition, when indexing, you need to set termVectors=on, termPositions=on and